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Must 的用法 I have a bad cold, and I must see a doctor. He has a bad cold, and he must see a doctor. Must情态动词, 后面加动词的原型, 变否定为mustn’t 我们必须努力学习。 他必须躺在床上。 她不应该在图书馆里讲话。 他们不应该吃骨头。 We must study hard. He must stay in bed She mustn’t talk in the library. They mustn’t eat bone. 情态动词表示说话人对某一动作或状态的态度。 情态动词的特点: 1)有一定词义,但必须与实义动词原形一起出现; 2)没有人称和数的变化; 3. must modal verb 情态动词有三个,can may must ,后 加动原别忘记。Can、 may 表能会, 征求对方的意见。 May I 开头较婉转。must 表必须,否定回答 needn’t。 情态动词提前构成一般疑问句, 情态动词后加not 构成否定句。 must表示义务,命令或必要性,意思是“应该、必须”。 如: 你现在必须睡觉了。 must的否定句根据句意有两种变化, ①needn’t表示不需要,②mustn’t,意思是“不应该、禁止”,语气较强烈。 如: 你不许在图书馆里吸烟。 You must get up at 6:00from Monday to Friday. You mustn’t smoke in the library. She must do her homework first. 否定句: She needn’t do her homework first. 一般问: Must she do her homework first? Yes, she must. /No, she needn’t. must 必须 /推测 Its time to go to school, you must go now. She must be tired. We must study hard . You must stay in bed for three months. must 表示主观,必须 have to 表示客观,不得不 eg: I must be off. eg: I have to be there early. must VS have to need (动词)需要 I need to water the flower. Fish need water. need to do sth.需要做某事 need sth. 需要某物 has a bad cold Jimmy What’s the matter with him ? feels ill If you are the doctor ,what will you suggest? stay in bed take some medicine drink much water …… ---How do you feel ? ---I feel ill. ---You must have a cold. ---What medicine must I take, doctor? ---You can take some aspirin. ---What must I do? ---You must stay in bed and have a good rest. ---When can I go to school? ---Nest Monday. A bad cold What’s the matter with them? What must we do? I must______. What must he do ? What must they do ? Listen to the tape Question : 1. Where is Jimmy ? 2. What’s the matter with him ? 3. Can you remember the doctor’s telephone number ? 4. What must he do ? 5. What is good news for Jimmy ? Listen to the tape, then answer the question. 1. What’s the matter with Jimmy today? 2. What’s the doctor’s telephone number?


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