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新编研究生英语 期末复习材料

潘海英公共英语期末复习材料期末考试形式已基本确定如下:1.词汇(形式为四选一,出自读写教材六个单元的核心词汇);2.完型(出自读写教材课后完形填空练习,内容有可能略有改动);3.阅读(四篇,每篇五道题,形式为四选一);4. 填空(出自背诵段落,形式同小测);5.汉译英(10句话,出自背诵段落);6.作文(话题与所学课文内容有一定的相关度)U1/16 The role and importance of ethics education have begun to be recognized by the NIH. Guidelines for NIF research training grants now require a minimal number of hours of ethics educatio1. Ethics need not be taught within a single graduate course, but it is beginning to be recognized that education in the basic conventions of the field and in the basic approaches to ethical decision making can no longer be left to one-on-one mentoring alone.As the ever-dwindling availability of research funds fuels the fire of competition, there will be increased pressure on scientists to bend or break rules. Research laboratories, particularly large groups where some students rarely see their faculty advisers, cannot be assumed to teach research ethics, or even to train students in all research conventions.U1/17 Whether scientific ethics is approached through a single course or a series of courses or seminars throughout the graduate curriculum, it has become obvious that students need exposure to ethics in a number of contexts. Research ethics can and must be taught in a formalized manner. It is our belief that courses in research ethics that incorporate a solid philosophical framework have the greatest potential for long-term usefulness to students.U1/16 美国国立卫生研究院首先认识到学术道德教育的作用和重要性。美国国立卫生研究院资助的研究培训指南要求用最短时间完成学术道德教育。学术道德不需要以单独一门课程讲授,但是人们开始认识到,学科基本惯例和道德决策的基本方法不能再仅仅依赖一对一的师生指导。由于科研基金数量持续减少,业内的竞争愈发激烈,更多的科学家将迫于压力而打破规则。尤其是在大型的研究实验室,学生很少能见到他们的指导教师,所以无法指望实验室教授学术道德,培养学生科研规范。U1/17 无论科研伦理是通过一个课程,一系列课程或是穿插在研究生课程中的研讨班来学习,学生显然需要更多的机会接触学术道德。研究伦理需要而且必须以正式的方式教授。我们相信,在坚实的哲学理论框架指引下,学术伦理课程一定会给广大学子带来长远的益处。U3/12 Equality is, for Americans, one of their most cherished values. This concept is so important for Americans that they have even given it a religious basis. They say all people have been “created equal.” Most Americans believe


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