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名词解释与英文简答 名词解释 胞间连丝plasmodesma Fluids and dissolved substances can pass through primary walls of adjacent cells via plasmodesma which are tiny strands of cytoplasm that extend between the cells through minute openings . 由质膜包围的直径狭窄的通道,内质网管贯穿其中,原生质体间物质运输和信号转导的桥梁。 细胞周期 cell cycle In somatic cells that are capable of dividing .the cell cycle is the period from the beginning of one division to the beginning of the next division .commonly ,the cell cycle is divided into interphase and mitosis. 细胞周期:有分裂能力的细胞,由一次分裂结束到下一次分裂完成所经历的整个历程。包括分裂间期和分裂期。 凯氏带 casparian strip a band of waterproof material around the radial and transverse cells of the endodermis. ensure that water and minerals enter the xylem only by passing through the endodermal cells . pollination 传粉 process that pollens from one flower are transferred to stigma of another flowers. Self-pollination 自花传粉 Pollens are transferred to stigma of same flowers. Cross-pollination 异花传粉 Pollen is transferred from the stamen of one plant to the sigma of a different plant. Biodiversity 生物多样性 Biodiversity is the degree of variation of life. This can refer to genetic variation, species variation, or ecosystem variation within an area, biome, or planet. Cell growth 细胞的生长 Growth ,an irreversible increase in size ,is accomplished by a combination of cell division and cell enlargement . Cell differentiation 细胞的分化 The process by which cells that have identical genetic constitutions become different from one another and from the meristematic cells from which they originated . Tissue 组织 A tissue is a group of cells that forms a structural and functional unit . Organ 器官 In biology ,an organ is a collection of tissues joined in a structural unit to serve a common function . Root 根 Roots are plants’ link to the underground environment . Vascular cambium 维管形成层 The vascular cambium is a thin layer of cells sandwiched between the xylem and the phloem in the vascular bundles. Leaves 叶 The lateral organs of a shoot .ty


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