[原创] 09年高考英语完形填空(七).doc

[原创] 09年高考英语完形填空(七).doc

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[原创] 09年高考英语完形填空(七)

[原创] 09年高考英语完形填空(七) Can you still be happy? Although I am an optimistic(乐观的) person, always 36 actively, easily laughing, without any serious problems in my family,37 I can not be happy always. I stop smiling. I am 38 all of you .How can you be happy and smiling 39 you watch TV and see so many families 40 lost their jobs. How can you be happy when you see on TV that 41 many shop owners have seen their shops 42 in the center of Athens. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m How can you be happy when your 43 friends have got so many problems and you can?do 44 to help them. How can I be happy and smiling when I see that people 45 I loved so much , I 46 finally that for them I was nothing ,I was not a friend and 47 never any 48 feelings for me. How can I be happy when I see 49 have lost their son by the policemans shot . Oh, no! I can not be happy. I do not want to be happy. I have no 50 to be happy. I carry a deep frustration 51 my soul. I lost my 52 , lost my strength. People 53 only for money. w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c.o.m Tell me please, can you 54to be happy when so many 55 things are around you? 36. A. think B. thinks C. thinking D. thought 37. A. but B. so C. and D. yet 38. A. asked B. asking C. ask for D. ask 39. A. while B. when C. as D. since 40. A. have B. has C. having D. having been 41. A. so B. such C. very D. very much 42. A. burn B. burning C. burnt D. to burn 43. A. close B. closed C. closely D. closing 44. A. anything B .everything C .nothing D. none 45. A. who B. which C. whose D. for whom 46. A. find out B. found out C. find D. found 47. A. has B. have C. had D. was 48. A. friend B. friendly C. bad D. badly 49. A. mother B. father C. parents D. friends 50. A. choice B. duty C. freedom D. right 51. A. in B. on C. for D. to 52. A. soul B. heart C. courage D. mind 53. A. cared B. care C. thinks D. thought 54. A. begin B. start C. continue D. last 55. A. frustrate B. frustrated C. frustrating D. frustrates (资源来自China Daily 网站) 参考答案w.w.w.k.s.5.u.c


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