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摘 要 近年来,国内外便连续发生了很多次6级以上的地震,复杂的地震坍塌现场急需专业、高效的救援机械装备【1】。同时我国也是一个严重自然灾害和安全事故高发的国家,对于各种爆炸、火灾、井喷、矿难、交通和化工等安全事故的排险、救援也迫切需要高效、可靠的救援设备。 本课题来源于国家“十二五”科技支撑计划—双动力智能型双臂手系列化救援工程机械研制项目。目前越来越多的地震、井喷、矿难等自然灾害使得广大人民的生命财产蒙受了巨大的损失,传统的抢险救援设备救援效率低、耗能大,这就迫切需要高效的抢险救援设备。双臂手救援工程机械在传统工程机械的基础上增加了双臂协同作业、臂架左右摆动、司机室升降等功能。双臂协同作业方式大大提高了救援效率、节省了宝贵的救援时间。 司机室是整车的重要部件。双臂手抢险救援工程机械的司机室除了防风避雨、防尘防土、调节空气、减震降噪、安全保护之外,最主要的就是视野良好,司机室是双臂抢险救援车的大脑,控制着整个车的所有操作动作,因此司机室视野的好坏直接影响着操作的好坏。在不同的工况下需要不同的操作视野,所以司机室升降机构是司机室结构中的关键部件,也是司机室设计的难点所在。本文将主要进行双臂手救援工程机械司机室升降机构的设计及优化工作。 关键词: 灾害 抢险救援车 司机室 升降机构 ABSTRACT In recent years, domestic and foreign will happen many times in a row more than 6 earthquake, earthquake collapse site in urgent need of complex professional and efficient rescue machinery and equipment . Meanwhile, China is also a serious national natural disasters and the high incidence of accidents, for a variety of explosion, fire, blowout, mining, transportation and chemical accidents for risk, the rescue is also an urgent need for efficient, reliable and rescue equipment. The subject comes from the national five Technology Support Program - dual power intelligent series Rescue arms hand construction machinery research project. More and more earthquakes, blowout, mining and other natural disasters so that the lives and property of the people suffered a great loss, low conventional rescue equipment and rescue efficiency, energy consumption, there is an urgent need for efficient rescue equipment. Rescue arms hand construction machinery in the traditional construction machinery based on the increased collaboration arms, swing arm, cab lift functions. Arms collaborative practices greatly improve the efficiency of the rescue, saving precious rescue time. Cab is an important component of the vehicle. Arms hand rescue engineering machinery cab in addition to wind and rain, dust-proof soil, adjusting the outside air, noise damping, security, the most important is a good view, the cab is arms brain rescue vehicl


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