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Acu-Moxi Treatment 针灸治疗 Select Acu-points  选穴 Commonly used methods Thumb measurement 拇指同身寸 Middle finger measurement 中指同身寸 * * * LOGO Diagonose 诊断 Manipulation  实施 acupuncture moxibustion cupping massage …… Which to use? Locate Acu-points  取穴 Where are they? Finger measurement 手指同身寸法 Simplified measurement 简易取穴法 Ashi 阿是穴取法 Anatomical landmarks 体表标志法 Proportional measurement骨度分寸法 Standard of the Finger measurement 手指同身寸法取穴标准 Four-fingers measurement一夫法 Applications of the measurements 应用举例 3寸 Proportional measurement 骨度分寸法 Proportional measurement 骨度分寸法 9寸 9寸 Mastoid process 乳突 眉 心 the middle of two eyebrow 前发际 anterior hairline 后发际 posterior hairline 额角 frontal eminence 前正中线 anterior median line 胸 骨 sternum 剑 突 xiphoid process 乳 头 nipple 肚 脐 umbilicus (navel ) 耻骨联合 pubic symphysis 腋 窝 axillary fossa 肘 窝 cubital fossa 手 腕 wrist 股骨大转子greater trochanter 内辅骨上廉 Upper border of the internal epicondyle of femur 内辅骨下廉 lower border of the internal epicondyle of femur 外 踝 later malleous 内 踝 medial malleolus 第七颈椎棘突 7th spinous process of cervical vertebrae 肩胛骨上角 superior angle of scapular 肩胛骨下角 inferior angle of scapular 第二胸椎棘突 2nd spinous process of thoracic vertebrae 髂前上棘 anterior superior iliac spine 第四腰椎棘突 4th spinous process of lump vertebrae 后正中线 posterior median line 肩胛内缘 scapular line 第七颈椎棘突 第四腰椎棘突 肩胛骨下角 Applications of the measurements 应用举例 anatomical landmarks 体表标志法 1 腓肠肌 gastrocnemius 臀部 buttocks 骶骨 rump bone anatomical landmarks 体表标志法 2 承山 头侧部Temple region 额角 frontal eminence 骶管裂孔 hiatus of the sacrum 3 股骨大转子greater trochanter anatomical landmarks 体表标志法 Simplified measurement (简易取穴法) 1 鼻烟壶 Simplified measurement(简易取穴法) 髌骨 knee cap 2 梁丘(阳面) (阴面) 外侧的 outboard 内侧的 inboard Ashi Points 阿是穴取法 Where it pains Where the acu-point is Attentions: Different persons have different standards More complicated methods should be use


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