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get a good mark, get some help from, get enough sleep, get excited, get a bus, get married 1.My uncle ______________ last year. 2.Did? 3.You didn’t __________________, did you? 4.The audience ___ you hear Simon __________________ in the exam __________ when they saw Hello Kitty. 5.My father _____________ to work every day. 6.Shall we ___________________ an adviser 到家 到学校 上车 下车 起床 结婚 生气 疲劳 收到某人的来信 与某人和睦相处 取回 有足够的睡眠 取得好成绩 翻译下列有关 get 的词组: get home get to school get on the bus get up get off the bus get angry get married get a letter from sb get tired get on / along well with sb get …back get enough sleep get good marks 表达与运用 用所给词的正确形式填空 Failure (失败) is the mother of __________ . If you want to be _______________ , you must work hard , then you will ______________in everything . (success ) 2.Eating ____________is good for your ____________and keep you ___________ .(health ) 3.David is very confident . He is never afraid of _____________(speak ) at assembly . 4.Millie went to school without ____________(have) breakfast this morning . success successful succeed healthily health healthy speaking having 5.This can help when you are having difficulty ___________(make) a decision . 6.Football is really ________________ . People all over the world are ______________in it . (interest ) 7. Simon never puts up his hand in the class. He is very _________.(active) 8.His mother felt ____________about his son. (worry) making interesting interested inactive worried 用介词 of 和 for 填空 1.It’s nice ____you to bring me the newspaper , Hobo . 2. It is silly ____you not to forgive others for their faults . 3.It is generous _____kitty to give each of us two presents . 4.It’s kind______your parents to organize this party for us . 5.It’s important _______us to learn English well . 6.It’s necessary _____them to support and help each other . 注意:1.当我们用nice , kind , silly , generous 等形容词来描述人的性格时用句型 It’s + adj. + of + sb +


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