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单元学习目标 教师点拨 中考链接 单项选择 1.It was a difficult time,but we never ___hope.(2012 武汉) A. put up B. gave up C.picked up D.used up 2. -Andy,you were the only person that was late for the meeting.Why? -Sorry.But I really had a ____time finding the meeting hall.(2012兰州) A.enjoyable B.funny C.difficult D.pleasant 3. ____new English words in a vocabulary list is a good way to improve English.(2012宜昌) A.Geting down B.looking down C.Turning down D.Writing down 4.-Did you have anything____when you were a child? -Yes,I did.I used to be afraid of the dark.(2012 杭州) A.to be afraid of B.be afraid of C.to be afraid D.afraid 5.If you dont know the words,please ____in the dictionary.(2012南京) A.look it up B.look them up C.look up it D.look them up 自我测评 一、单项选择 1.-How can I improve my spoken English? -You have to practice ____as much as you can. A.speaking B.spoken C.to preak D.speak 2.For dinner,we started with soup, and had fruit to ____. A.end up B.end C.end up with D.end with 3.Its our duty to try our best_____each challenge in our education. A.dealing with B.to deal with C.solve D.solving 4.-Mrs White is a kind woman. -So she is.She always____us as her children. A.memorizes B.regards C.realizes D.impresses 5.-______hard work you have done! -Its very nice of you to say so. A.What B.How C.What a D.How a 二、补全对话(2011年江苏) Joy:Wow,Denny,you got full marks in English!Congratulations! Denny:_________. Joy:Did you used to be good at English? Denny:No,I didnt.________,but everything has changed after I found the right way to study. Joy:________? Denny:By asking the teacher and my classmates for help.They gave me a lot of good advice. Joy:My English teacher is very serious and strict.__________. Denny:You shouldnt be afraid of him.He will be glad to help you.There are also many other ways,too._________. Joy:Thats great! Ill try it. * Revi


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