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本科学生毕业论文 《围城》中文化负载词的英译 黑 龙 江 工 程 学 院 The Graduation Thesis for Bachelors Degree On the Translation of Culture-loaded Words in Fortress Besieged Heilongjiang Institute of Technology 摘 要 随着国际化进展和跨文化交流的发展,中国传统文化会进一步提高中国政治,经济和文化的地位。语言词汇是重要组成部分,并且随着语言的发展逐渐地被打上了文化的烙印。由于各国不同的历史背景及风俗习惯等形成的文化负载词给翻译工作带来了相当大的困难。文化负载词虽然生动形象地反映了中国文化的个性特征,但却阻碍了各国之间的交流。 翻译不仅是语言的转换,更是两种文化的交流与沟通,本文从奈达的五种文化类型分析了《围城》中负载生态文化,物质文化,宗教文化,社会文化以及语言文化的一些文化词的翻译,并了译者在翻译这些文化负载词过程中的得失。同时探讨了几种常用的翻译方法的具体运用,并得出翻译手段应顺应特定语境,符合文化色彩或形象的需要,顺应社会发展和读者的接受能力,懂得变通和灵活以达到跨文化翻译的最佳目标的结论。 Abstract With the rapid development of globalization and cross-cultural communication, it is more and more important to introduce Chinese traditional culture into other countries. It not only helps the mutual understanding between China and the rest of the countries in the world, but also improves positions of China in the world politically, economically and culturally. Words are the most important components in a language, and with the development of language, they are marked by culture gradually. On account of diverse historical background and customs, a lot of culture-loaded words spring up, which create a barrier to translation. Though these culture-loaded words reflect unique features of Chinese culture vividly, they hinder the cross-cultural communication. Translation is not only the conversion of languages, but also the exchange and communication between two kinds of cultures. On the basis of Nida’s five types of cultures, the paper intends to analyze some translation of ecological, material, religion, social and linguistic culture-loaded words, and point out the pros and cons in the process of translating these culture-loaded words in Fortress Besieged. At the same time, the paper discusses several commonly used methods of translation in actual use, and draws the conclusion that translation methods should conform to a specific context, meet the needs of culture or images and conform to the social development and the readers’ abil


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