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Petri网格论 (金陵科技学院 南京 210001) (ygzw@) 摘 要 应用Petri网(net theory)Petri网的应用范围,探索网格技术的发展道路。网格的实质是简化和加快软件应用工程开发,网格基础是网络服务(Web Service)标准和网格资源框架(WS-Resource Framework)提议。ISO15909标准Petri网是分析和规范并发的动态离散系统的正式的、化的可执行的技术Petri网原理,在网络服务和网格资源基础上,建构Petri网格计算机模型,运行Petri网格应用系统。Petri网格包括数学语义模型和实践使用的网格应用开发界面的图形建模符号系统。Petri网格的图示化系统建模技术是软件工业很受欢迎的应用开发方法,能有效地降低开发人员的专业知识门槛。以流量控制协议为例分析Petri网格应用技术,并作相关讨论。 关键字 公用网格,Petri网,网格应用开发,Petri网格计算机 Petri Grid Theory ZHAO Wei (Jinling Technology Institute, Nanjing, 210001) (ygzw@) Abstract The basic constructional analysis of public grid application systems is discussed deeply with Petri net theory, enlarging the field of Petri net application, and exploring the development of grid technology. The essential of public grid is to simplify and quicken the development of software engineering of grid application, and the two basis of grid are Web Service Standard and WS-Resource Framework Proposal, on which the Petri grid computer is constructed with Petri net theory. Petri net is defined by ISO/IEC15909 as a formal, graphical, executable technique for the specification and analysis of concurrent, discrete-event dynamic systems. Petri grid computer can be defined by the basic mathematical semantic model, and is normally represented using a graphical form which allows visualization of system dynamics (flows of data and control). This approach is taken, as it is the graphical form of Petri grid computer that is most appropriate for industrial use. An example of a ‘flow control protocol’ is taken to analyses Petri grid application, and to discuss the correlations in context. Keyword public grid, Petri net theory, grid application development, Petri grid computer 1 引言 中科院计算所认为[1]网格是1995-2010年时段计算机体系结构、操作系统、用户界面领域最重要的突破性创新[1] 。网格也将是分布式系统的突破性创新,正在产生通用分布式系统家族、标准的分布式系统体系结构、以及网格操作系统。与强调分布的传统分布式系统不一样,网格更强调将局域或广域的分布式系统看成一台虚拟的网格计算机[1]。而且进一步指出[1],用户界面的突破性创新主要表现在:网格编程语言可能变得更简单,网格应用的开发时间可大大缩短,网格编程人员的知识要求降低,从必须要懂程序设计的技术人员,变成秘书也可以胜任[1]。应用软件的开发模式也将根本改变。一个软件系统不再是由一个统一的团队


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