
Letter of Credit 国际结算 教学课件.ppt

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Letter of Credit 国际结算 教学课件

Letter of Credit Review 1.Procedure 2.A letter of credit stands independent of the sales contract. 3.In Credit operations all parties deal with documents, and not with goods, services or other performances to which the documents may relate 6.2.4Types of letter of credit 2.Time Credit If a letter of credit specifies that drafts are to be drawn at any length of time, such as 60 days, 90days or 180days, after sight, it is called a time or usance credti. Sight Payment L/C 即期付款信用证是指受益人(出口商)根据开证行的指示开立即期汇票、或无须汇票仅凭运输单据即可向指定银行提示请求付款的信用证。    Available with XX Bank By sight payment/By payment By acceptance By deferred payment By negotiation and beneficiary’s draft      drawn on □ □ □ □ □ × XX Bank ⑵ Function clause Issuing bank/Advising bank/Third bank(other drawee bank) 承兑行 × at__days after sight ⑶Operation of acceptance credit承兑信用证的处理 nominated accepting bank 1.accepted bill 2.accepted advice beneficiary Discounting bank 4.present for payment 6.2.4Types of Credit 信用证的种类 According to the mode of availability 按付款方式分类 3. Deferred payment credit 延期付款信用证 ①At…days after the presentation of the documents ②At…days after the date of shipment ⑴Definition: The beneficiary does not receive payment when he presents the documents, but at a later date specified in the credit. Available with XX Bank By sight payment/By payment By acceptance By deferred payment By negotiation and beneficiary’s draft      drawn on □ □ □ □ □ × XX Bank ⑵ Function clause Issuing bank Advising bank Third bank Without a bill of exchange Question If you are an exporter, do you prefer the acceptance credit or the deferred payment credit?             5.2 Types of Credit 信用证的种类 5.2.4 According to the mode of availability 按付款方式分类 4. Negotiation credit 议付信用证 ⑴Definition: A bank specificall


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