ANSYS ICEM资料--B5-WS-FinConfig.ppt

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ANSYS ICEM资料--B5-WS-FinConfig

5/24/2004 ICEM CFD / AI*Environment 5.0 July 30, 1999 Tetra Workshop 2 Fin Configuration Start Project Build Topology Material Point Global Mesh Size Global Mesh Size Mesh - Set Global Mesh Size Set Scale factor to 0.08 Set Max element to 256.0 Enable Natural Size Set Size to 0.5 Set Refinement to 16 Enabling Display shows representative tets for the sizes just set Natural Size will resolve curvature and feature proximity Surface Mesh Size Surface Mesh Size Mesh - Set Surface Mesh Size Select surfaces individually or by part Inlet, Outlet, Walls, Symm – Maximum element size = 128 Leading, Trailing, Pres_Suct - Maximum element size = 32 Tip - Maximum element size = 4 Yields at least two elements across tip Show surface tetra sizes Right-click on Surfaces from the Geometry branch of the tree Select Tetra Sizes Save project Create Points Create Points First create points to define mesh density Geometry - Create Point - Explicit Coordinates (12, 0, 0) and (12, 0, 15) – Apply after each Create Mesh Density Create Mesh Density Define region in space for volumetric refinement Fin wake region Mesh - Create Mesh Density with Type = Line (see other types) Select the two points just created Set Size = 4 and Width = 7 Largest element within region is Size X Scale factor Apply Delete the points just created Leaving these points could overconstrain the mesh Save project Tetra Meshing Tetra Meshing Mesh - Mesh Tet Select From geometry for Method Enable Run as batch process Apply Mesh loads upon completion View effects of Natural Size and Mesh Density Surface mesh Parts Cut planes Tetra Quality Tetra Quality Quality reported as a circumsphere ratio Quality of 1.0 is an isotropic Tet or Tri Quaility approaches 0.0 as Tet or Tri becomes distorted Mesh Smoothing Mesh Smoothing Edit Mesh - Smooth Mesh Globally Adjust histogram using Replot Set Up to quality to 0.4 Use other defaults Apply Save project Add Prisms Add prisms Try adding 3 prism layers with a 1.2 Height ratio Specify the


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