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元音(20个) 长元音 /ɑ:/ /?:/ / ?:/ /i:/ /U:/ 短元音 / ?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /?/ /e/ /?/ /e?/ /a?/ /??/ 双元音 /??/ /e?/ /??/ /??/ /a?/ 辅音(28个) 轻辅音 /p/ / t/ / k/ /f/ /θ/ /s/ 浊辅音 /b/ /d/ /g/ /v/ /e/ /z/ 轻辅音 /?/ / h/ /ts/ /t?/ /tr/ 浊辅音 /?/ / r/ /dz/ /d?/ /dr/ 鼻音 /m/ /n/ /?/ 半元音 / j/ / w/ 边音 / ?/ * * 冠词的种类: 1、不定冠词:a,an 2、定冠词:the 3、零冠词:\ 不定冠词的用法: 1、a(an)用于单数可数名词前, an用于以元音音标开头的单词 前。如:a book;an apple 2、具有“一个…”的意思。 如:I ate a banana. It is a cold day. 说话人不是在指“这个香蕉”或”那个香蕉“,只是说吃了一个香蕉。 3:泛指,说明名词的种类, 是一个整体的符号。 如:A horse runs faster than a sheep. A banana is yellow. 说话人在谈论任何香蕉,所有的香蕉。 注:使用单数可数名词一定 要加:1、a/an/the或 2、this/that或 3、his等物主代词。 如: I drove a car. I drove the car. I drove that car. I drove his car. 定冠词the 的用法: 1、特指,具有“这”或“那”的意思。如: The lunch was well cooked. 当说话人与听者都知道所说的具体东西时。 如:Thank you for the banana. 2、表示动物的种类。 The whale is the largest mammal on earth. 3、独一无二的事物: 如:the sun,the moon,the earth, the universe 4、用于乐器名称前。 如:the piano,the violin the guitar 5、用于单数的发明物前。 如:Who invented the wheel? …the telephone,the refrigerator, the airplane 6、用于序数词前。 In the twentieth century 7、用于表示计算单位的 名词前。 如:He was paid by the hour. 8.用于姓的复数前。 如:the Browns 零冠词的用法。 1、用于复数可数名词前, 表示类别。 如:Horses are useful animals. There are pencils,pens and books on the desk. 2、用于球类运动、棋类游 戏、季节、月份、星期、语言、 学科前。 如:play football,play chess, play bridge We like eating watermelons in summer. Little Tom goes to school in September. He likes all subjects except chemistry. 3、用于物质名词或抽象名词 前。 如:Can man live without air? Our country is very rich in oil. Does she like music? George is a man of great strength. 4、表示头衔、职位的名词前。 如:Who is captain of your team? John was elected chairman of the committee. 5、turn作系动词时,后面 的名词前不用冠词。 如:He was a medical student before he turned writer. 6、地理名词前。 如:North America,Hunan Province 7、专有名词+普通名词前 如:Beijing Airport, Buckingham Palace, Nanjing Road, Zhongshan Park 8、杂志、期刊前。 China Pictorial, China Daily, English Language Teaching 9.与by连用的交通工具名称


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