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Practical Medical English Lecture 8 Disease/change in the body -algia pain talalgia ankle -cele hernia    gastrocele stomach -dynia pain, swelling urodynia urine -ectasis dilation, expansion bronchiol- ectasis bronchus -(a)emia   blood leuk(a)emia white Disease/change in the body -gen producing, beginning carcinogen cancer -iasis abnormal condition, formation of, presence of cholelithiasis gallstone -itis   inflammation hepatitis liver -malacia softening osteomalacia bone -megaly enlargement splenomegaly spleen Disease/change in the body -oid resemble fibroid fibres -oma tumor adenoma gland -osis abnormal condition dermatosis skin -pathy   disease   nephropathy kidney -penia    decrease,deficiency erythyropenia red (cell) Disease/change in the body -phagia    eating, swallowing   dysphagia difficult -phasia speech aphasia without -plegia    paralysis     hemiplegia half -phobia    fear acrophobia heights -ptosis   prolapse, falling blepharoptosis eyelid Disease/change in the body -rrhage burst forth haemorrhage blood -rrhea discharge diarrhea -rrhexis   rupture enterorrhexis intestines -sclerosis    hardening   arteriosclerosis -spasm   involuntary contraction bronchospasm bronchus Diagnoses -gram record of data    encephalogram brain -graph instrument for recording cardiograph heart -graphy   act of recording data radiography -meter instrument for measuring     craniometer cranium Diagnoses -metry measurement of  audiometry hearing -scope     instrument for viewing laryngoscope larynx -scopy examination of laparoscopy abdomen Surgery -ectomy removal     mastectomy breast -centesis tap, puncture      thoracentesis chest -stomy mouth, forming an opening colostomy colon -tomy incision tracheotomy trachea Surgery -desis binding, stabilization pleurodesis pleural membrane -rrhapy suture    arteriorrhaphy artery -pexy fixation gastropexy stomach -plasty formation, plastic repair rhinoplasty nose     Surgery -clasi


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