走遍美国 第九课精选.docx

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走遍美国 第九课精选

第九课Who is it?是谁? Dad.爸爸。 Come on in, Dad.请进来,爸爸。 I thought you might be hungry.我想你大概饿了。 I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk.我替你带来一份鸡肉叁明治和一杯牛奶。 I am hungry.我真是饿了, Thanks, Dad.谢谢,爸爸。 What time is it, anyway?几点了?顺便问一下。 Ten oclock.十点钟。 What are you working on?你在干什么? Im writing a story for the high-school paper.我正在为高中校刊写一篇东西。 Cant you finish it tomorrow?你明天完成它不行吗? No, I have to turn it in in the morning.不行,明天上午我得交出去。 Whats it about?是关于什么的? Im writing an article on the feelings about graduation.我在写一篇关于毕业感想的文章。 And ... how do you feel?那……你的感觉是什么? Me?我吗? A little scared.有点害怕。 And excited, too.也很兴奋。 I felt the same way.我当时也有这种感受。 The scary parts leaving home and moving to college.害怕的是要离开家搬到学校去。 Oh, leaving home is part of growing up.呵,离开家是成熟过程的一部分。 Well, dont work all night.好啦,别通宵工作。 I dont mind.我不在乎。 I enjoy writing.我喜欢写作。 Well,那么, maybe you should think about becoming a writer.也许你应考虑成为一名作家。 Maybe I should.也许我该这样。 You have lots of time to decide.你有很多时间做决定。 Thats the worst part--making decisions.最伤脑筋的是——作决定。 Youll be OK.你不会有问题的。 Good night, Son.晚安,孩子。 Good night, Dad.晚安,爸爸。 Hail to the victors valiant,“向勇敢的胜利者致敬, Hail to the conquering heroes,向进取的英雄们致敬, Hail, Hail to Michigan,致敬,向Michigan致敬, The champions of the West!西部的优胜者!” Ah, good morning, Robbie.啊,早安,Robbie。 Good morning, Dad.早安,爸爸。 Hows my grandson?我的孙子怎样啦? Fine, Grandpa. Fine!很好,爷爷,很好! Whats all the cheering about?这么高兴是为什么? Did the University of Michigan win another football game?是不是Michigan大学又赢得了一场足球赛? Better than that.比那种事更值得高兴。 Tell him, Philip.告诉他,Philip。 I just spoke with Charley Rafer.我刚和Charley Rafer通了电话。 Whos Charley Rafer?谁是Charley Rafer? Hes the Dean of Admissions for the University of Michigan.他是Michigan大学的新生注册主任。 And it turns out hes a classmate of Philips.有意思的是,他和Philip是同班同学。 We were both on the tennis team.我们都是网球队的队员。 Great!真棒! It is great.的确是太好了。 Hes going to be in New York tomorrow明天,他要在纽约 to interview applicants for admission.与申请入学者面谈。 And hes agreed to fit you into his schedule.他同意明天


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