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62 2 有 色 金 属() 2010 3
( 中国地质大学(武汉)环境学院, 武汉 430074)
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: TD12 : A : 1671- 4172( 2010) 02- 0039- 05
Dynam ic Character of Gro ndwater Level inM ainW atermi pregnated
Strata ofM akeng IronM ine, F jian Province
ZHANG W enh i
(The Environm en tal College, China University of Geosciences, W han 430074, H bei, Ch ina)
Abstract: M akeng iron m ine in F jian province is one of the biggest ndergro nd iron m ine, is also a m ine w ith the
comp licated hydrogeologic cond ition of karstw ater. The analysis of gro ndwater dynam ics in m ainw ater- mi pregnated stra
ta is very mi portant to g ide dewatering project and safe prod ction. Th ispaper s ing a tom aticmon itoring data d ring m in
ing phase, s mm arize and concl de the infl ence factors of gro ndwater level dynam ics, and com pare and analyze the infl
ence cond itions prod ced by rain, water inr sh and dew atering expermi en t, then m ade that concl sion: beca se of karst
and str ct re effects, the d ifference am ong the dynam ic changes is relatively large, the factors of gro ndw ater level dynam
ics of every observation well are not the same, and the connection among rich w ater area is not close.
Key words: gro ndw ater dynam ic; infl ence factors; karst water filling m ine
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