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[转载]七年级英语下册知识总结 U1 很高兴见到你.?????????? Nice to meet you. 你好!?????????????????? How do you do! 他的电话号码是什么????? What`s his phone number? 他的电话号码是298-4671? His phone number is 298-4671 他的姓是什么??????????? What`s his last name? 他的姓是谢。???????????? His last name is Xie. 汤姆的姓是什么????????? What`s Tom`s family name? 汤姆的姓是谢。?????????? His family name is Xie. 她的名字是什么????????? What`s her first name? 她的名字是琳达?????????? Her first name is Linda. 你的名字是什么????????? What`s your name? 我的名字是:Sam Xu.??????My name is Sam Xu. Dave的姓是Hand.??????????David`s last name is Hand. U2 劳驾你!???????????????? Excuse me! 这是你的铅笔吗????????? Is this your pencil????? 不,不是。它是她的双肩背包 No, it isn`t. It is her backpack. 那是你的双肩背包吗??????? Is that your backpack??? 是,它是。它是我的双肩背包 Yes, it is. It is my backpack. 一串钥匙???????????????? a set of keys 怎样拼它??????????????? How do you spell it? 失物招领处?????????????? Lost and Found Case 请打电话298-4671找Sam?? Please call Sam at 2984-671. 打电话…… 找……????????call …… at 为了???????????????????? in order to 用英语?????????????????? in English 我的学生证?????????????? my school ID card???????? 一张身份证?????????????? An ID card U3 这是你的女儿。?????????? This is your daughter. 这些是我的女儿。???????? These are my daughters. 那是我的堂(表)兄弟。?? That is my cousin. 哪些是我的堂(表)兄弟。 Those are my cousins 这是你的姐姐.????????? This is your sister. 这不是你的姐姐.????????? This isn`t your sister. 这些是你的姐姐吗? Are these your sisters? 是,他们是。不,他们不是。????????? Yes, they are.?? No, they aren`t. 那是他的叔叔?????????? That is his uncle. 那不是他的叔叔?????????? That isn`t his uncle. 那些是他的叔叔吗?????????? ?Are those his uncles? 是,他们是。不,他们不是。????????? ?Yes, they is.?? No, they aren`t. 谢谢帮我。?????????? Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你的帮助。?????????? Thanks for your help. 你的家庭照??????????? your family photo 一张你的家庭照??????????? a / the photo of your family 这是我的家庭照。??????????? Here is my family photo. U4 在椅子下面/在桌子下面.??????????? under the chair /????under the table 在沙发上面/在床上面??????????? on the sofa / on the bed 在地板上??????????? on the floor 在墙上??



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