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3D Printing Heart3D打印心脏Form:宋广梅、 蔡晓敏 Researchers are now using three-dimensional, or 3D printing to create models of the human heart to help heart specialists. The heart doctors can use the models to better help patients before an operation.研究者开始使用3D打印技术制造人类心脏模型来帮助心脏专科医生,心脏医生可以使用这些模型来在做手术前更好地帮助患者。 Surgeons regularly use digital images to explore the heart in close detail. But no two human hearts are alike. This led Matthew Bramlet to create exact heart models from those images. Dr. Bramlet is a pediatric or childrens heart expert at the University of Illinois College of Medicine. He says the 3-D models show information he cannot get any other way.外科上一般使用数字图像来了解详细的心脏情况,但没有哪两颗人类心脏是一样的。为此,马修·布拉姆莱特使用这些图像制造了一模一样的心脏模型,布拉姆莱特博士是伊利诺斯大学医学院的儿童心脏专家,他说3D模型能显示其他方式无法显示的信息。A 3-D printer uses images from a digital display to create a physical model of a human heart. Matthew Bramlet says doctors can use the model, in his words, to understand the anatomy for the first time.3D打印机使用数字显示器上的图像来制造人类心脏的实体模型,布拉姆莱特说医生们能使用这些模型来“首次理解解剖学”。 Pictures from medical tests like CAT scan or MRI are sent to a 3-D printer to create a heart in a plaster or clay form. The printer then constructs the heart, thin layer by thin layer. Dr. Bramlet says the model matches the real heart in every detail. When were done with the model and made our decision, we want to be able to go back to the source image and confirm those findings, he says.利用造影扫描图或核磁共振等医疗手段获得的图像可以发送到3D打印机上,来制造石膏或粘土材质的心脏。打印机然后组建心脏,一薄层一薄层地组建。布拉姆莱特博士说这种模型与真实的心脏非常吻合。“当我们做出模型,做出决定后,我们就想能够回到原图片上来证实这些发现。”Dr. Bramlet has built model hearts for different kinds of heart operations. All of the operations were successful. In his first case, digital images showed only one tiny hole in a babys heart. But, the 3-D printed model showed several defects or problems that the baby was born with. Dr. Bramlet says those defects could not be seen easily in the image.布拉姆莱特博士已为各种不同的心脏手术建造了模型心脏,所有手术都很成功。在他的第一个病例中,数字图像只显示了婴儿心脏上的一个小洞,但3D打印模型显示婴儿出生时就有几个缺陷。布拉姆莱特博士说这些缺陷在图片中不能


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