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Open Journal of Transportation Technologies 交通技术, 2015, 4, 19-27 Published Online May 2015 in Hans. /journal/ojtt /10.12677/ojtt.2015.43004 Research on the Urban Taxicab Industry Planning in View of the Program of Public Policy 1 2 Yanshen Chen , Sikai Chen 1 China Academy of Urban Planning Design, Beijing 2 College of Engineering, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Email: chenys1999@ th th th Received: Apr. 20 , 2015; accepted: May 6 , 2015; published: May 12 , 2015 Copyright © 2015 by authors and Hans Publishers Inc. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY). /licenses/by/4.0/ Abstract The taxi industry planning is effective way to develop urban taxi industry healthily in China. The taxi characteristics of strolling operation and the government regulation have decided the taxi planning belonging to the pubic policy field. The present taxi operation information, taxi license and its property right of management regulatory policy, the social demand and so on are the foundation information for the taxi planning, and may fit the planning need. The paper presented an urban taxi industry planning procedure and the content depending on public policy analysis program, including the policy goal analysis, the planning of program, setting the planning index, developing the demand balance models, planning and design, as well as the planning evaluation and the feasibility analysis. Keywords Public Policy, Governmental Regulation, Planning, Taxicab, Level of Service 基于公共政策程序的城市 出租汽车规划方法研究


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