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第40卷 第5期 电 子 器 件 Vol40  No5 2017年10 月 ChineseJournal of Electron Devices Oct. 2017 A Novel Dual Band Omnidirectional Substrate Integrated Waveguide Spiral Slot Antenna∗ TAN LirongꎬYANGZiyiꎬNIE BailingꎬZHANGZhaofengꎬZHU Yuying (Nanjing College of Information TechnologyꎬNanjing 210023ꎬChina) Abstract:In order to realize a dual band omnidirectional antennaꎬa novel dual band substrate integrated waveguide spiral slot antenna is realized by combining of the SIW(Substrate Integrated Waveguide)technology and the planar spiral antenna technology. The gains of the antennas with SIW structure and with no SIW structure are compared under theothersameconditions.Theirgainsarealmostsameatlowfrequencyband(1.7GHz~1.87GHz)andthegain of the antenna with SIW structure is improved by 1.1 dB~3.5 dB at high frequency band(2.4 GHz~2.9 GHz). The results of simulation and test show that the working frequency bands of the antenna are 1.705 GHz~1.865 GHz - band and 2.321 GHz~2.646 GHz(S 10 dB). The antenna has omnidirectional radiation characteristics in the 11 vertical plane of the antenna substrateꎬand have the advantages of light weightꎬlow profileꎬhigh gainꎬeasy of planar circuit integration. Key words:omnidirectional antennaꎻsubstrate integrated waveguideꎻplanar spiral antennaꎻdual band - EEACC:5270        doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005 9490.2017.05.008 一种新型双频全向基片集成波导螺旋缝隙天线∗ 谭立容ꎬ杨梓艺ꎬ聂佰玲ꎬ张照锋ꎬ朱昱颖 (南京信息职业技术学院ꎬ南京 210023) 摘  要:为了实现双频带全向天线ꎬ将基片集成波导SIW技术和平面螺旋天线技术结合ꎬ实现了一种新型双频基片集成波导 螺旋缝隙天线ꎮ 比较了当其他条件一样时有SIW结构和没采用该结构时的天线增益:在低频段 1.7 GHz~1.87 GHz增益基本 一样ꎬ在高频段2.4 GHz~2.9 GHz有SIW结构时增益提高了1.1dB~3.5 dBꎮ 仿真和测试结果表明ꎬ经优化设


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