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广西工学院 毕业论文外文翻译 院 别 财经学院 专 业 财务管理 班 级 财务083班 学 号 200800706093 姓 名 王晓婷 指导教师 甘 平 2011 年 4 月 13 日 A Financial Control System that Focuses on Improvement and Success Of course, we are not saying that businesses should ignore prudent controls over their cash drawer. The point is that focusing on small components while not knowing how much cash is tied up in receivables does not represent a control system that recognizes priorities and risk. Focusing solely on the rote and mundane does little to improve your overall financial performance. Financial control systems shouldn’t just be about compliance, they should be about continually improving key aspects of the financial operation such as: Regularly reviewing and improving the overall capital structure. Using a capital plan to minimize the cost of capital while strengthening the Debt/Equity position. Managing working capital so excessive inventories and receivables do not sap financial resources. Ensuring proper calculations and scenarios are explored while making debt/investment or leasing decisions. Maximizing returns while minimizing costs for cash and merchant accounts. A control system of well-defined processes is not only about control or compliance, it is also about consistently striving to do a little better. Control systems that are designed only to achieve compliance are doing the bare minimum, and they represent a missed opportunity to gain improvement and a competitive edge. And that should be enough reason for any size and type of company to think about using a continual improving process approach to creating a financial internal control system. Sox is nice; but continual improvement is better for everyone. Financial control of projects Purpose: Established and effective cost control systems and procedures, understood and adopted b


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