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* * 西安电子科技大学 第十章 句子成分的分隔 主讲:秦荻辉 教授 §10 .1 主语与其修饰语的分隔 句型: 不及物动词 被动语态 系动词及其表语 →主语的修饰语 主语→谓语 定语从句 介词短语 同位语从句 分词短语 动词不定式 西安电子科技大学 §10 .1 主语与其修饰语的分隔 A feeling(感觉)has developed in society that technology must be controlled. No chance exists for such a device to be realizable(可实现的). 西安电子科技大学 §10 .1 主语与其修饰语的分隔 The evidence(证据)is conclusive(确凿的)that electric charge is not something that can be divided(分割)indefinitely(无限地). A study will be made of the percentages(百分比)of usable and defective(有缺陷的)parts produced by a particular machine. 西安电子科技大学 §10 .2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 1 、 被修饰的名词 定语① 定语② (1)★ 短语 短语 (特别注意“of短语”) (2)▲ 短语 从句 (3) 从句 从句 (4) 从句 短语 西安电子科技大学 This illustrates the coupling(耦合)between input and output terminals inherent(固有的)in transistors. Instability(不稳定性)is the tendency in certain systems of a quantity(量)associated with(与…有关)energy, such as current, to increase indefinitely(无限地)in the absence(不存在)of excitation(外部激励). §10 .2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 西安电子科技大学 What lies behind this meeting is an increasing awareness(认识)around the world of the urgency(迫切性)of reducing global warming. §10 .2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 西安电子科技大学 These basic virtues(优点)of personal computing have resulted in the growth of what was a cottage industry(家庭工业)in the early 1980s to the multi-billion-dollar(上百亿美元)PC hardware and software industries today. §10 .2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 西安电子科技大学 The control-system engineer finds many functions of interest which are not periodic(周期性的). This is what is meant by the statement sometimes made that “the pressure in a fluid(流体)acts in all directions.” §10 .2 两个后置定语同时修饰某一名词的情况 西安电子科技大学 There are a great many problems which arise in the various fields of techno- logy which require for


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