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序号______ 学 生 毕 业 设 计(论 文) 课题名称 魔鬼或天使——重新解读吕蓓卡 姓 名 徐为 学 号 060520217 院、系、部 湖南城市学院外语系 专 业 经贸英语 指导教师 钟真讲师 2009-4-10 Devil or Angel Xuwei (Foreign Language Department,Hunan City University, Yiyang, Hunan 413000, China) Abstract: Over a long time, in most people’ opinion Rebecca is a devil who wallows in luxury and obscene life. But if you analyze her from a new angle, you will find Rebecca is a new woman who has independent mind and personality .She does not want to become a part of her husband and hopes to live a free life .So she continuously stands against her husband even the society. She is not a devil, she is an angle. Key words: angel;devil;against;Patriarchal Society 摘要:《吕贝卡》是英国女作家达夫妮.杜穆里埃的成名作.长时间以来,在大多数人的眼里,主人公吕蓓卡是一个放浪形骸的荡妇.如果你用一种新的视角去分析吕蓓卡,你会发现事实并非如此.她的放荡是由于她与德温特的畸形婚姻和父权社会所造成的.吕蓓卡是一个新型妇女,她具有独立的思想和人格,她不想成为丈夫的一部分.为了自由她向丈夫和社会发起了反抗.因此,她不是魔鬼而是一个勇敢地天使. 关键词: 天使; 魔鬼; 反抗; 父权社会 Introduction Daphne du Maurier (1907-1989) was born to a refined literary family. She was a granddaughter of George du Maurier, author of the best-selling melodrama Trilby (1894) a daughter of Gerald du Maurier, a famous actor-manager of the London stage at that time. Daphne du Maurier is great shapers of popular culture and the modern imagination. Among her more famous works are Jamaica Inn, the Scapegoat, Rebecca, and the short story The Birds, all of which were subsequently made into films, the latter two directed by Alfred Hitchcock. She lived for many years in Cornwall, England, and in 1969 became Dame Daphne du Maurier. Rebecca is a well-known novel of British literary history, since it publication it has been enjoyed very much by readers. And the dramatis personae Rebecca are also much concerned. At the beginning of the novel the heroine Rebecca was already dead, under the other people’ description the image of Rebecca was gradually cleanly. Rebecca was a young beautiful woman. Except extraordinary beauty


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