第十一章 Management Decision and Control (管理决策与控制) 国际企业与跨文化管理课件.ppt

第十一章 Management Decision and Control (管理决策与控制) 国际企业与跨文化管理课件.ppt

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第十一章 Management Decision and Control (管理决策与控制) 国际企业与跨文化管理课件

Chapter Objectives: (本章学习目标) PROVIDE comparative examples of decision- making in different countries. (提供在不同国家制定决策的比较实例) PRESENT some of the major factors affecting the degree of decision-making authority given to overseas units.(目前影响将决策权交给海外一些单位的程度的主要因素) COMPARE and CONTRAST direct controls with indirect controls.(比较并对比间接控制和直接控制) DESCRIBE some of the major differences in the ways that MNCs control operations.(描述跨国公司在控制业务运营的方法上的一些主要的区别) DISCUSS some of the specific performance measures that are used to control international operations. (讨论一些用来控制国际业务运营的具体表现方面的措施) Decision-Making Processes and Challenges (决策制定的过程和挑战) Managerial decision-making processes: method of choosing a course of action among alternatives (管理上的决策过程:在供选方案中选择一种行动方针的方法) Process is often linear(过程往往是直线性的) Looping back is common(循环往回是常见的) Managerial involvement in procedure depends on structure of subsidiaries and locus of decision-making (参与管理的过程依赖于子公司的结构和决策制定的核心) Decision-Making Process (决策制定过程) Factors Affecting Decision Making Authority (影响决策权的因素) Comparative Examples of Decision Making (决策制定的实例比较) Decision-making philosophies and practices from country to country:(各国决策制定的哲学和实践) Do international operations use similar decision-making norms?(国际业务运营都使用类似的决策准则吗?) French and Danish managers used different approaches to decision-making; each more adept at different stages of the process. (法国和丹麦的管理者用不同的方法进行决策:每一个都更善于在决策过程的不同阶段) French do not value time as much as counterparts (法国人不像同行那样珍惜时间) German co-determination: managers focus more on productivity and quality of goods/services than on managing subordinates. (德国的共同决策:较之管理下属,经理人员更加重视产品或服务的生产率及其质量) Comparative Examples of Decision Making (决策制定的实例比较) Most evidence indicates overall decision-making approaches used around the world favor centralization(大多数证据表明,全球总体的决策制定都更倾向于集权式的方法) MNCs based in U.S.(在美国的跨国公司) Use fairly centralized decision making in managing overseas units(在管理海外单位时,使用比较集中的方法) Ensure that all units are operating according to o


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