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2008 2 高 等教 育 研 究 Feb., 2008 29  2              Journal of H igher Education             Vol.29 No.2 钟 晨 音① (浙江师范大学 教师教育学院, 浙江金华 321004)  :在我国师范教育逐渐由封闭走向开放、高校间实力 争压力日益增大的情形下, 师范大学转型已经成为 一种必然的选择。选择适合自身实际的发展方向,确定正确的发展目 标,应是各师范大学在转型过程中必须正视的问题。通过对我国各师范大学发展目标定位的 比较与解读, 可以看出各师范大学在学校发展类型及特色选择上具有 一些共同的倾向。目标 定位对师范大学的发展具有重要意义, 因此在确定和落实师范大学转型目标时,应该对“办学 特色”、“综合性大学”等目标表述有一个清醒而正确的认识, 需要对一些根本性问题进行理性 的分析与思考。 :师范大学;发展目标;转型 :G658.3 :A  :1000-4203 (2008)02-0029-06 The interpretation and consideration of the development obj ective location in the transformation of normal universities ZHONG Chen-yin (Colleg e of E d ucation, Z hej iang N orm a l Uni vers ity , J inhua 321004, Ch ina) Abstract:As the teacher education in China gradually e ol es from a self -contained in- to an open one, and w ith the increasing pressure from the ri alry among uni ersities, normal uni ersities ha e to adopt transformation.To accomplish it, these uni ersities must select its ow n appropriate path;gi e a precise location to their de elopment objecti es .Through the comparison, contrast and the interpretation of the de elopment objecti es of current normal uni ersities in China, this paper finds they enjoy similar tendency of the de elopment pat- terns and the choices of characteristics.As the location of objecti es play s a ital role in the de elopment of normal uni ersities, , w e should keep a sober mind and assume a precise un- derstanding about the expressions of “the characteristics of the uni ersities”and “compre- hensi e uni ersities”, w hile setting and implementing the de elopment objecti es .Besides, a


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