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第53卷  第7期 Vol.53ꎬNo.7 2016年7月 Jul.ꎬ2016 历史与文化 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1001 ̄7003.2016.07.014 中国古代服装形制与坐姿及坐具的关系研究 张  妍 (1. 大连外国语大学 国际艺术学院ꎬ辽宁大连 116044ꎻ2. 东华大学 纺织学院ꎬ上海201620) 摘要:运用考古学、文献学的观点和实物、图像、文献互证的研究方法ꎬ对中国古代服装形制、中国古人 坐姿和中国古代坐具形态的关系进行分析研究ꎬ研究资料主要为绘画、雕塑作品、木俑及出土实物等ꎮ 研究发现ꎬ三者之间有着某些关联性ꎬ上衣下裳、上下连属的服装形制影响了以跪坐为主要起居方式的 坐姿ꎬ从而决定了此时的坐具形态为低矮型ꎮ 上衣下裤的服装形制ꎬ为高型坐具的普及提供了必要条 件ꎬ因而推动了坐姿由跪坐向垂足坐的转变ꎮ 关键词:中国古代ꎻ服装ꎻ形制ꎻ坐姿ꎻ坐具 中图分类号:TS941.12ꎻK876.9    文献标志码:A    文章编号:1001 ̄7003(2016)07 ̄0074 ̄07    引用页码:071303 Research on the relationship among the form of Chinese ancient costumesꎬ sitting postures and seating devices ZHANGYan (1. International Academy of ArtsꎬDalian University of Foreign LanguagesꎬDalian 116044ꎬChinaꎻ2. College of Textileꎬ Donghua UniversityꎬShanghai201620ꎬChina) Abstract:This paper takes the viewpoints of archaeology and philology and applies the research method of mutual demonstration of material objectsꎬimages and literatures to study the relationship among the form of Chinese ancient costumesꎬsitting postures and seating devices. The research materials mainly include paintingsꎬsculpturesꎬwooden figurines and unearthed objects. And it turns out that there is certain relevance among the above three. The costume form of “Shang Yi Xia Shang” (upper part of coat andlower part of dress)ꎬand “ShangXia Lian Shu” (a one ̄piece long dress)affect the sitting posture of sitting on heels. Thereforeꎬthe form of seating device is low and short. The form of “Shang Yi Xia Ku” offers necessary conditions for popularizing tall and high sitting devices and thus drives transformation fro


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