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三维动画《纸时代》 摘 要 3D动画是近年来新兴的产业,发展势头强劲,已经越来越多的应用到电影、游戏、广告、建筑等等产业中,推动了这些产业的巨大发展。随着技术的进一步发展,3D动画的应用会越来越广泛,熟悉与应用3D动画则显得尤为重要。 随着3D产业的兴起,配套的电脑制作软件也在不断地完善。电脑制作软件以其制作动画的方便快捷,制作程序简单,可操作性强且易修改、易复制、易传播的特点,已迅速渗透到与美术设计相关的各个行业中,成为广大美术设计人员的得力助手。而3ds max又是其中的佼佼者,所以本文主要介绍运用3ds max制作动画的技巧。 此次毕业设计的课题主要是完成三维动画短片的制作,使用三维制作软件和相关多媒体软件来完成一部虚拟动画,动画短片的制作过程大致分为前期设计、动画片段制作、后期制作。研究难点在于原创设计和技术实现。在制作之前要做好充分的准备,查询收集相关资料信息,做好周全策划,仔细斟酌一些可能遇到的问题,这不只是给整个短篇制定一个框架,也是给整个短篇塑造一个灵魂。在制作中,也要尽量细心,以免给之后的制作带来隐患和不必要的麻烦,这一步也是给整个短篇铸造血与肉的艰难过程。后期处理可谓是给整个短篇添砖加瓦,能使得整个短篇更加鲜活生动。 本文通过对3D动画短片的制作过程进行详细的介绍,其中主要介绍角色动画的制作,从而了解基本的动画制作知识,掌握运用3ds max进行动画创作的技巧,掌握小型动画视频的制作流程及各步骤的具体细节,达到有能力独立制作动画短片的水平。 关键词:3ds max;三维技术;分镜头脚本;角色动画;原创;设计;后期制作 3D Animation “Paper’s Gerneration” ABSTRACT 3D animation is the emerging industry in recent years, the strong development momentum, more and more have applied to films, games, advertising, construction, and so on in the industry, and promote the great development of these industries. With the further development of technology, 3D animation applications will become increasingly extensive and familiar with the application of 3D animation, it is particularly important. With the rise of 3D industry, supporting the production of computer software is constantly improving. Computer-generated animation software with its production of the conveniences and shortcut, making procedures simple and easy to operate and easy to modify, easy to copy, easy to spread the characteristics of the rapid penetration of art and design related to the various industries, a majority of the design of effective Assistant. And 3ds max also is one of the best, so this paper on the use 3ds max animation production skills. The subject of Graduation is the completion of 3D animated short, using three-dimensional authoring software and related multimedia software to complete a virtual animation. The animation production process can be divided into the following steps: the preliminary design, animation clip, the post-production.The


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