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山东电力设备制造有限公司 Shandong Power Equipment Co., Ltd. 变压器运输方案 Transport Scheme of the Power Transformer (济南—上海港) (Jinan- Shanghai Port) 二O一O年九月 September 2010 在接到该项目信息后,我司结合多年变压器运输经验及本次运输货物的相关数据,对所涉及的装卸货地点及运输路线做了细致的调研和分析。在确保货物能够安全、按时到达目的地的前提下,特制订本运输方案。 After receiving the project information, our company made detailed research and analysis on the loading and discharging points and transportation route, based on our many years transportation experience and the relative date. To ensure that the goods will reach their destination on time and safely, we are making the transportation scheme as follows. 一、货物信息 Goods Information 招标号Did No. 型号Type 运输方式Delivery type 运输尺寸dimension(mm) 运输重量weight(t) 变压器 Transformer DLSB-SC-2010—04:04# SFZ10-102000/145 充氮运输 Filling with Nitrogen 7064×2702×3821 91.8 一、运输路线Transportation route 根据本次运输项目货物的尺寸及重量,结合货物装卸地之间道路的实际情况,在保证货物能够安全、按时到达目的地的前提下,我司拟制定如下运输路线: According to the dimension and weight of the goods on dispatch, and the road condition between the loading and discharging points, we decide the transport route below to ensure the safety and schedule 济南——泰安——徐州——南京——上海港(全程约1100KM) Jinan---Taian---Xuzhou---Nanjing---Shanghai Port(Appro.1100KM) 二、车辆配置 Vehicle configuration 考虑到此项货物设备尺寸、重量等具体情况,拟选用的车型如下:(实际运输时,车型将根据货物的实际情况相应调整) Considering the dimension and weights, the applied vehicle shall choose the following( the vehicle style shall be adjustable according to the actual transportation ) 变压器的运输车辆配置 the vehicle configuration of transporting transformers (1)牵引车辆选型 tow vehicle style 根据设备的技术参数,充分考虑道路情况,我公司拟使用德国进口奔驰重型牵引车,车辆马力为540马力。(见图一) according to the technical specification and the road condition, our company plans to use the imported Mercedes heavy towing vehicle of 540 horse power, see the photo 1. 车型Make 发动机功率 Engine Power 输出扭距 torque 驱动力driving force 最大牵引力Max Traction 拖挂形式trailer type 液力偶合器型号liquid coupling type 奔驰 Mercedes 540马力 Horse Power 2500NM 6*6 500T 全挂 full trailer WSK400 (2)车板配置方案 sweepingboard configuration 根据设备重量,并充分考


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