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IPv6与IPv4互联技术的探讨 摘要:随着Internet的发展尤其是规模爆炸式的增长,IPv4固有的一些缺陷也逐渐暴露出来,包括地址枯竭、路由瓶颈、安全和服务质量难以保障等问题。在此背景下,新的网络层协议IPv6它克服了IPv4的诸多不足而显示出许多新的特性。但IPv6网络完全替代IPv4网络并非是一朝一夕的事情,IPv4现已具备相当完善的网络环境与设备生产,各种网络协议和通信协议都是以IPv4为技术基础,在未来几十年内网络世界将会出现IPv6与IPv4共存互联的局面,针对这种状况IETF也提出了很多的过渡互联技术,主要包括双栈、隧道和协议转换三种技术,但却没有一种互联技术是通用的,都有各自的局限性,现在更多的采用几种过渡互联技术混合使用,实现以最小的代价达到平稳过渡。 本论文分析和论述了IPv6提出的背景和必要性,同时深入讨论了IPv6协议显示出的新特性及在过渡期间存在的问题,着重探讨了双栈、隧道和协议转换三种过渡互联技术,以及每种过渡互联技术采用的方法与机制,并对其进行了,最后基于xxx校园网给出了自己的过渡 关键词:IPv4; IPv6; 互联技术; 过渡策略; 校园网 Research on the Transition Strategy from IPv4 to IPv6 Abstract:With the development of the Internet is the scale of the explosive growth of the IPv4 in particular, aspects of IPv4 network exposes the problems and disadvantages, including address depletion and routing bottlenecks, safety and service quality difficult to guarantee. In the context, a kind of network protocol, named IPv6, it overcomes a number of shortcomings to show the many new features that are in line with the demand of today network. However, IPv6 replacing totally IPv6 never be not an overnight. IPv4 network has already own excellent network structure and production equipment, a variety of network and communication protocols based on IPv4. So there will be a situation of IPv6 and IPv4 coexistence over the coming decades. In the face of this, IETF have put forward the transition strategies, including dual stack, tunnel and NAT-PT but any of all kinds of strategies is common that has its own limitations. Now, the coexist environment of IPv4 and IPv6 adopt several strategies at the same time, that help smooth the transition with the least price. This paper leads to the background and necessity about IPv6 proposed, meanwhile, discussed the IPv6 protocol shows the new features and the problems during the transition period. The paper focus on three transition strategies, including dual stack, tunnel and NAT-PT, as well as discussed each of transition strategies using a variety of methods and mechanisms. Based o


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