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论文题目: 机电一体化的控制与保护 教 学 站 新疆师范大学文光校区 学生姓名: 张雨朦 指导教师: 常建国 专 业: 机电一体化 2015年1月15日 摘要 ? 随着数控加工的日益成熟越来越多的零件产品都用数控机床来加工,因此如何改进数控加工的工艺问题就越来越重要。在数控机床上由于机床空间及机床的其他局限了数控加工的灵活性,这样就要求我们要懂得如何改进加工工艺,提高数控机床的应用范围和加工性能。从而达到提高生产效率和产品质量。数控加工作为一种高效率高精度的生产方式,尤其是形状复杂精度要求很高的模具制造行业,以及成批大量生产的零件。因此数控加工在航空业、电子行业还有其他各行业都广泛应用。然而在数控加工从零件图纸到做出合格的零件需要有一个比较严谨的工艺过程,必须合理安排加工工艺才能快速准确的加工出合格的零件来,否则不但浪费大量的时间,而且还增加劳动者的劳动强度,甚至还会加工出废品来。一般数控机床的加工工艺和普通机床的加工工艺是大同小异的,只是数控机床能够通过程序自动完成普通机床的加工动作,减轻了劳动者的劳动强度,同时能比较精准的加工出合格的零件。由于数控加工整个加工过程都是自动完成的,因此要求我们在加工零件之前就必须把整个加工过程有一个比较合理的安排,其中不能出任何的差错,否则就会产生严重的后果. 关键词:【输入中文关键词3-4个,多个用空格隔离,中英文一致】 Abstract With CNC processing the growing sophistication of more and more parts products with nc machine tools to processing, so how to improving nc machining technology problem is more and more important. On the nc machine because the other machine space and machine tools limit the nc machining flexibility, this require us to understand how to improve the processing technology, improve the numerically-controlled machine tools application scope and processing properties. So as to improve the production efficiency and product quality.As a kind of high efficiency of nc machining high-precision mode of production, especially complex shape accuracy requirement high mould manufacturing industry, and to mass production parts. So in aviation, CNC electronics industry and other industries are widely used. However in the numerical control processing from drawings to make qualified parts need to have a rigorous process, must arrange processing technology can fast and accurate processing of qualified parts come, otherwise not only waste a lot of time, but also increasing workers labor intensity and even waste to produce.General of CNC processing technology and ordinary machine processing technology is very much the same, just by CNC machine can perform common machine tool automatically processing movement and reduce the labor intensity, while the laborer to a more accurate processing


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