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disease 疾病 illness 疾病 empty 空的 stomach 胃 human 人类 through 通过 Get plenty of food because food can give us energy. Take a short rest when we work for a long time. Go to bed early and get enough sleep. Keep good habits to keep away from germs. Ha!Ha!We win!The boy has an illness. Review 当你空腹运动的时候你就会头痛. You may get a headache when you exercise _________________. 我们会进入人体并且引起疾病。 We can _______ the human body and _____________. 我们应该整理我们的房间并且经常扫地。 We should ___ our bedrooms and _____________ often. * Topic 2 Section C Topic 2 Section C we must /should we mustn’t /shouldn’t good habits bad habits Bad habits may cause some diseases. may cause a headache may cause 1. A headache is a disease. 2. A headache may show that something in your body is wrong. 3. You needn’t see the doctor when you have headaches often. T or F isn’t need What may cause headaches? Question: air 空气 (keep the air fresh 保持空气清新) might 可能 (may的过去式,助动词,比may委婉) body 身体 (pl. bodies) spit 吐痰 (spit in public 在公共场所吐痰) get into 进入 sour 酸的(因为变质而变酸) tidy 整洁的 sweep 扫除 germ 病菌,细菌 itself 它自己 skin 皮肤 What are headaches? What causes them? And when should you go to see a doctor? A headache is a pain in your head. It’s not a disease itself, but it may show that something is wrong with your health. Usually a fever will cause a headache. You might get a headache when you work too hard or when you don’t get enough sleep. You can also get a headache when you exercise for a long time on an empty stomach. If you get headaches often, you need to see a doctor. Headaches __________________________ 1a Please give a title标题 to the passage. may 表示请求/推测 might 表示请求/推测,语气比may委婉 can 表示请求/允许/可能/能力 could表示请求/允许/可能/能力,语气比could委婉 表达请求时,may比can正式 Eg. --May I ….? --Of course./Yes,you may. No,you may not. 39.9℃ What may cause headaches? Usually a fever will cause a headache. You may ge


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