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【许多的】a great deal of , a great many, a number of, a lot of a great deal of后面连用不可数名词。如: There has been a great deal of rain this year.今年雨水很多。 a great many后面连用可数名词,谓语动词为复数。如: A great many skyscrapers have sprung up around this area over the last years.这个地区近年来盖起了很多高楼大厦。 a number of后面连用可数名词,谓语动词用复数。如: I can think of a number of ways to fulfill this plan.我可以想出不止一个办法来实现这个方案。 a lot of后面连用可数名词、不可数名词均可,比较口语化。如: That will save us a lot of trouble.这会给我们省很多麻烦。 A lot of students have gone home for the summer vacation.许多同学都已回家度暑假去了。 【放弃】abandon, cease, desert v. abandon“长期或永久搁置、放弃使用;停止”,后通常接名词宾语。有时有“主动放弃”的意味。如: My car broke down and I had to abandon it on the main road.车中途抛锚了,我只好把它扔在路上。 Logic had prevailed and he had abandoned the idea.最终还是理智占了上风,他放弃了这个念头。 cease“结束;终止做……”,后常接动词不定式宾语。如: This issue has ceased to be important.该问题已经不再重要了。 Her indifference to sports ceased after that event.自打那件事以后,她开始对体育感兴趣了。 desert“遗弃;不再支持或光顾……;(未经许可)放弃”。如: The papers new price rise will encourage the readers to desert in even greater droves.报纸涨价可能导致更多的订户放弃订阅。 Even when he appeared to be depressed,a pleasant sense of humor never deserted him.即使在沮丧的时刻,他也总体现出令人愉悦的幽默感。 abandon还可表示“被强烈情绪控制、征服;让步于”,常与介词to搭配。如: She refused to abandon herself to despair.她决心不让自己沉沦于绝望中。 We are scared to abandon ourselves to our feelings in case we seem weak or out of control.我们不敢纵情表露情绪,以免显得脆弱或失控。 【能力】 ability, capability, capacity, faculty n. ability“能力”,指人做事的能力,去实施某事的体力、智力、经济或法律的力量。后接不定式或介词in、for。如: She has the ability to take charge of the group.她有能力管好这个小组。 He is a man of artistic ability.他是个有艺术才能的人。 He shows considerable ability in/for organization.他表现出非凡的组织能力。 capability“能力”,表示人做事的能力或才能,也可表示无生命的事物的各种能力或性能。如: The boy has great capabilities in long-distance running.这男孩在长距离赛跑方面有很大的潜能。 The little girl was a student of great working capabilities.这个小女孩是一个工作能力极强的学生。 capacity“能力”,指接受力.容纳或吸收的能力;物体的容积,容量,体积或生产的能力。指人的能力时,意思是“学习能力或吸取知识的能力,即大脑的智力”。如: The trunk was filled to its capacity.这个旅行箱装得满满的。 This can has a capacity of fo


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