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AO法印染废水处理工程设计 中文摘要 印染废水成分复杂、色度高、CODcr 高且难降解,对环境造成较大污染。根据以活性染料为主要染料的针织棉布染色废水的特点,印染废水处理一般采用生化-混凝沉淀法、混凝气浮法,化学氧化及活性炭吸附法等,但是这些方法存在运行费用较高、不易管理等缺点。A/O 法可提高废水的可生化性,该工艺可行的关键在于高效脱色的水解酸化池的应用,为后续生化处理和处理后达标排放奠定了基础,在该工艺设计中还采用了调节池、水解酸化池、浓缩池和污泥反应池等,并且对各个构筑物都进行了精确的计算。此工艺脱色率可达75%-90%,而对CODcr 的去除也可达到60%左右,且运行成本低,易管理,取得了良好的处理效果和经济效益。 关键词:印染废水;酸化水解;混凝;脱色 Anaerobic-aerobic treatment of dyeing wastewater engineering Abstract The composition of dyestuff wastewater is complicated . Its chromaticity is high, CODcr is high and hard to be degraded by biochemical treatment .That is why it causes serious pollution to the environment. A new treatment process for the rease of dyeing and printing wastewater which consists of mainly of active dyestuff is brought forward. Biochemistry coagulation sedimentation, coagulation gas floation chemical l oxidation and activated carbon adsorption are generally used .But the operation cost of these methods is expensive and hard to be managed. A/O many improve the result of the biochemical treatment of the dyestuff wastewater .It sets up the foundation for the sequent biochemical treatment,for coming up to standard and for lowering the operation cost. Technolgical design include adjusted pool ,acidification-hydrolyze pool and concentration pool and every construction carry out exact calculation.The decoloration rate of the dyestuff wastewater is fome 75%~90%,and the removal rate of COD crmay reach 60%. Its management is easy,and has obtained favorable treatment effect and remarkable economic benefit. Key words: Dyeing and printing wastewater ;Acid hydrolysis;Flocculation;Decolouration 目 录 第1 章 综述 1 1.1 棉纺染色废水的来源及水质特性 1 1.1.1 退浆废水 1 1.1.2 煮炼废水 2 1.1.3 漂白废水 2 1.1.4 丝光废水 2 1.1.5 染色废水 2 1.1.6 印花废水 2 1.1.7 整理废水 2 1.1.8 碱减量废水 2 1.2 印染废水处理的基本方法 3 1.2.1 印染废水处理的物理法-吸附法 3 1.2.2 印染废水的化学处理法 4 1.2.3 印染废水的生物处理法 4 1.3 设计任务 6 第2 章 工艺流程选择 7 2.1 影响流程选择的因素 7 2.1.1 废水处理程度 7 2.1.2 建设及运行费用 7 2.1.3 工程施工难易程度 7 2.1.4 当地的自然条件和社会条件 7 2.1.5 废水水量 7 2.2 印染废水处理设计 8 2.2.1 生物接触氧化——混凝沉淀工艺 8


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