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“南海Ⅰ号”古沉船 整体打捞 Integral Salvage of the Ancient Sunken Vessel Nanhai No.1 广州打捞局 Guangzhou Salvage 2008-8-28 “南海Ⅰ号”为上世纪80年代发现于阳江海域的宋代沉船,是迄今为止我国发现的海上沉船中年代最早、船体最大、保存最完整的远洋贸易商船。 “Nanhai No.1”, the ancient sunken vessel of Song Dynasty, which was found at 1980s in Yangjiang sea area. She is the oldest and biggest ocean trading boat and is conserved the most perfectly among Chinese ocean sunken boats. “南海I号”古沉船主尺度:约为30.4m×9.8m×4.2m;船体材料为木质;装载物以瓷器为主;沉没时间约为800年前;沉船地点为广东上川岛附近海域,N20o30.618’,E112o22.176’。 The Dimension of “Nanhai No.1” is 30.4m×9.8m×4.2m. The vessel was made of wood and was carrying porcelain when it sunk about 800 years ago. The location of the sunken vessel was near Shangchuan Island area of Guangdong, which is N20o30.618’,E112o22.176’. “南海I号” 沉态为正沉;埋泥情况为两舷埋入泥面约1m,艏艉凝结物露出泥面约1~2m;现场水深为22~24m;海底地质为表层为淤泥,下层为淤泥质土;水下能见度为每年3~4月能见度稍好,其它月份基本为零;现场流速为流向西南,最大流速0.7m/s。 “Nanhai No.1” was laying at the seabed vertically and the shipboards of both side was 1 meter deep inside the mud. The coagulum on the bow and stern was 1 to 2 meters above the mud. Water deep of that area was 22 to 24 meters. The surface of the seabed was silt and the lower level was argillaceous soil. During March and April each year, the visibility underwater was fairly good, however during the rest of the year, the visibility was equal to zero. The current direction was southwest, and the maximum speed was 0.7m/s. 2003年首次提出整体打捞方案,其基本思路是: 对沉船的水下位置进行精确定位并且施打定位桩; 将一无底的钢沉井沿定位桩吊放到古沉船船体四周并下沉到预定位置,从而将古沉船整个罩入其中; A general salvage plan which was put forward for the first time in 2003, the basic conception of it lied in that: precise positioning of the sunken vessel’s underwater location first and then positioning pile driving. A bottomless steel caisson was lifted, put down around the wreck along the positioning pile, then let it go down at a preconcerted position in order to make the boat stay in side the caisson. 开挖沉井周围泥土并将用来承托古沉船的数条底托梁横穿过沉井底部的预留孔洞,从而构成一个带底的钢箱体将古沉船全部包裹起来; 将


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