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The Research of the Problems of Rural Family Education in ShaanxiAbstract: Family education is the starting point and foundation of all human education. With the continuous progress of the society, people pay more and more attention to family education. An important problem of Chinese family education is to pay attention to the education of rural families, because the countryside is the foundation of national education, which is related to the quality of Chineses population, and the happiness of Chinas rural areas. By surveying in Danfeng, Shaanxi, the thesis found that there are many worrying problems in rural family education, which are mainly manifested in: family values is lagging behind; the lack of scientific concept of godson; education method is relatively simple; the lack of effective measures to Godson; the reason, the backward and low income of family in the rural economy are the main reasons. Finally, this paper puts forward some countermeasures to solve these problems, hoping to promote the healthy growth of children, and to promote the harmonious development of family and society.Key Words: rural family education; problems; survey;countermeasures陕西地区农村家庭教育问题的调查研究及对策分析摘要:家庭教育是人类一切教育的起点和基础,随着社会的不断发展,人们越来越重视家庭教育。中国家庭教育的一个重要问题,就是关注农村家庭教育。因为农村家庭教育关系到中国农村明天的人口质量,关系到中国农村明天的幸福。本论文通过对陕西丹凤农村家庭教育问题进行调查,调查发现目前农村家庭教育虽呈现出良好的发展趋势,但仍然存在着许多令人忧虑的问题,主要表现在:家庭观念较滞后,缺少科学的教子理念,家教方法较简单,缺乏有效的教子措施;究其原因,主要有农村经济落后,家长素质偏低。针对这些问题及成因,本论文提出解决农村家庭教育的几点对策。希望能促进儿童的健康成长,并且能促进家庭和社会的和谐发展。关键词:农村家庭教育;问题;调查;对策 IntroductionSince the emergence of human society, family education has emerged as a kind of self-demand. With the continuous development of productive forces, human society has also been improved. With the increase of social expectations, family education is more and more focused. Most Chinese parents for their childrens education can make painstaking efforts, at all costs. In modern society, family education, school education and social education are the three important basic education


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