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Breaker Implement circuit breaker opening at current zero crossing 实现电路断路器在电流过零时断开 Library Elements Description The Breaker block implements a circuit breaker where the opening and closing times can be controlled either from an external Simulink signal (external control mode), or from an internal control timer (internal control mode). 断路器模块实现了开闭时间由外部Simulink信号内部控制定时器 A series Rs-Cs snubber circuit is included in the model. It can be connected to the circuit breaker. If the Breaker block happens to be in series with an inductive circuit, an open circuit or a current source, you must use a snubber. 一系列R-Cs缓冲电路包含在模型中。它可以连接到断路器。如果发生断路器模块串联电感电路、开路或电流源,你必须使用一个缓冲。 When the Breaker block is set in external control mode, a Simulink input appears on the block icon. The control signal connected to the Simulink input must be either 0 or 1 (0 to open the breaker, 1 to close it). 当断路器块被设置在外部控制模式下,模块图标上出现的Simulink输入端。连接到Simulink的输入端控制信号必须是0或1(0打开断路器, 1关闭)。 When the Breaker block is set in internal control mode, the switching times are specified in the dialog box of the block. 当断路器块被设置在内部控制模式下,开关时间在模块的对话框中指定。 When the breaker is closed, it is represented by a resistance Ron. The Ron value can be set as small as necessary in order to be negligible compared with external components (a typical value is 10 mohms). When the breaker is open, it has an infinite resistance. 当断路器闭合,它由内部电阻代表。 为了与外部元件(典型值是10毫欧)相比是可以忽略的,内部电阻值有必要设置的很小。当断路器是断开的,它具有无穷大的电阻。 The arc extinction process is simulated by opening the breaker device when its current passes through 0 at the first current zero crossing following the transition of the Simulink control input from 1 to 0. Simulink的控制输入从1变为0第一次电流过零点的电流过零时 灭弧过程由断开的断路器设备模拟 Operation动作 The Breaker closes when 闭合 Conditions条件 Control signal goes to 1 (for discrete systems, control signal must stay at 1 for at least 3 times the sampling period)控制信号变为1(离散系统,控制信号必须至少在3次采样周期保持为1) Operation动作 The Breaker opens when 断开 Conditions条件


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