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成都信息工程学院 课程论文 四川省地震灾区工作者灾后重建意见调查 论文作者姓名: 学 号: 班 级: 四川省地震灾区工作者灾后重建意见调查 摘 要 08年四川省汶川地震给全国人民特别是四川省的民众带来了极大的痛苦,那些时刻战斗在灾区第一线的工作者更是发扬和展现了国家先进文化思想和崇高的大无畏精神。为充分了解四川省地震灾区工作者的工作状况、思想状况和对地震灾区重建的看法和意见等重要信息,采用问卷调查形式对灾区工作者进行四川省地震灾区工作者状况调查。并用spss专业软件对问卷中的问题进行科学合理的量化评分,最后对数据指标进行相关分析。调查结果表明灾区工作者在灾区工作的各项指标随着时间的推移已经逐步得到恢复,他们对于国家灾后重建的支持和重建效果表示肯定,并对灾后重建工作提出了宝贵的意见。经调查分析,对第一线工作者的调查是基本了解灾区群众情况的重要途径。 关键词:地震灾区;灾区工作者;灾后重建; Sichuan earthquake disaster area workers post-disaster reconstruction opinion survey Abstract 08 wenchuan earthquake in sichuan province to the national peoples especially the province of sichuan people with great pain, those moments in the first line of the fight disaster workers is developed and show the national advanced culture thought and noble daring. In order to fully understand the sichuan earthquake disaster area workers work situation, thought condition and earthquake reconstruction of the views and opinions, and other important information, the form of questionnaire to disaster areas in sichuan province, workers earthquake workers condition investigation. And professional software SPSS for the questions for scientific and reasonable quantitative grading, finally correlation analysis of data index. Survey results show that disaster area in areas of work all the workers index with the passage of time has gradually restored, they for the national reconstruction of support and reconstruction said positive effect, and the reconstruction work put forward some valuable opinions. The survey analysis, the first line of the workers of the investigation is a basic understanding of the important way in the quake-hit areas. Key words: Earthquake disaster area; Disaster workers; The post-disaster reconstruction; 目录 论文总页数:17页 1 引言 1 1.1 课题背景 1 1.2 四川省地震灾区情况简要 1 1.3 本课题研究的意义 1 1.4 本课题的研究方法 1 2 对数据额相关分析 2 2.1 数据分析方向与方法 2 2.2 相关数据分析结果 2 3 改进建议和措施 8 结 论 9 参考文献 10 声 明 11 致 谢 12 课程论文评分标准表 13 引言 经过此次调查之后,为了得到更加具体详细的数据结论,为相关政策制定提供具体的依据,特展开此次课题的研究,期望能够起


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