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English Fairy Tales(1) ——离你最“近”的儿童英语学习乐园 Snow White There is a princess. Her name is Snow White. Her skin is white and her lips are red. Snow White is kind, so everyone loves her. Only the Evil Queen doesn’t like her. The Evil Queen has a magic mirror. She looks in it every day. Each morning, she asks the magic mirror, Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? The mirror says, You are the most beautiful woman, my queen. Today the Evil Queen looks in her magic mirror again. Who is the most beautiful woman in the world? she asks. The mirror says, Snow White is the most beautiful woman in the world. She has white skin and lips that are so red. The Evil Queen is very angry. What? I am the most beautiful woman in the world, says the Evil Queen. I will send my servant to kill Snow White. Then I will be the most beautiful woman again. The Evil Queen calls her servant and tells him to kill Snow White. The servant likes Snow White, so he cant kill her. He tells Snow White to run away quickly. Snow White runs, runs, and runs. Finally she runs into the woods. The woods are scary and dark. Snow White is tired, hungry, and scared. In the woods, she sees a little house and goes inside. The little house belongs to seven little dwarfs. They are not at home now. They are out working. Snow White looks around the little house. The room is a little messy, so she cleans it up. The seven dwarfs come home and are surprised to see Snow White in the house. Because she is so nice, they soon like her. They even ask her to stay with them. Snow White is safe now. The Evil Queen thinks Snow White is dead. Now, I am the most beautiful woman in the world, she says. She asks the mirror, Whos the most beautiful woman now? The mirror still says, Snow White. The queen is so angry. I will kill Snow White myself, she says. I will drink magic water and become an old and ugly witch. Then, I will see Snow White and give her a poisoned apple. She will eat it and go to sleep, the Evil Queen lau


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