chap23 多agent 人工智能课程 上海交大.ppt

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chap23 多agent 人工智能课程 上海交大

第五部分通信与集成 第2 3章 多a g e n t Interacting Agents Models of Other Agents A Modal Logic of Knowledge Additional Readings and Discussion 第2 3章多a g e n t 23.1 交互a g e n t Agents’ objectives To predict what another agent will do : Need methods to model another To affect what another agent will do : Need methods to communicate with another Focus Distributed artificial intelligence (DAI) 23.2 其他a g e n t模型 23.2.1 模型种类 23.3 知识模式逻辑 23.3.1 模式算子K 为了说S a m (一个a g e n t的名字)知道积木A在B的上面,我们写下: K(S a m, O n(A, B) ) 23.3 A Modal Logic of Knowledge Modal Operators Modal operator to construct a formula whose intended meaning is that a certain agent knows a certain proposition e.g) K( Sam, On(A,B) ) ? K(α,φ) or K α(φ) knowledge and belief Whereas an agent can believe a false proposition, it cannot know anything that is false. logic of knowledge is simpler than logic of belief 23.3 A Modal Logic of Knowledge (Cont’d) Modal first-order language using the operator K syntax 1. All of the wffs of ordinary first-order predicate calculus are also wwf of the modal language 2. If φ is a closed wff of the modal language, and if α is a ground term, then K(α, φ) is a wff of the modal language. 3. As usual, if φ and ψ are wffs, then so are any expressions that can be constructed from φ and ψ by the usual propositional connectives. 23.3 A Modal Logic of Knowledge (Cont’d) As examples, K[Agent1, K[Agent2, On(A,B))] : Agent1 knows that Agent2 knows that A is on B. K(Agent1, On(A,B)) ? K(Agnet1, On(A,C)) : Either Agent1 knows that A is on B or it knows that A is on C K[Agent1, On(A,B) ? On(A,C)] : Agent1 knows that either A is on B or that A is on C. K(Agent1, On(A,B)) ? K(Agent1, ?On(A,B)) : Agent1 knows whether or not A is on B. ?K(Agent1, On(A,B)) : Agent1 doesn’t know that A is on B. (?x)K(Agent1, On(x,B)) : illegal wwf 23.3 A Modal Logic of Knowledge (Cont’d) Knowledge Axioms ?, ? : compositional semantics Semantics of K is not compositional. truth value of Kα [φ] is not depend on α an


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