初三牛津英语Unit 6 ReadingPPT.ppt

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初三牛津英语Unit 6 ReadingPPT

Reading [2];1. He was last seen leaving his office in New Town at about 7 p.m. was seen leaving 是被动语态 see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 被动形式: sb. be seen doing sth. 比较: see sb. do sth. 看见某人做了某事 [看见全过程/经常] 被动形式:sb. be seen to do sth. 类似词有:watch, hear, listen to, find, look, notice等。 Eg. She was found _______ (cry) when I passed by. Tina is often heard ______ (sing) in her room.;2. somewhere adv 某处 somewhere warm/cold/quiet somewhere in the western part of USA. anywhere/nowhere ;3. Police have confirmed that the victim was a computer programmer. confirm v. 证实;确认。 eg. 他的疾病证明了我的猜疑属实。 His illness confirmed my suspicions. 1. 这份报告后来被证实了。 The report _________________. 2. 请发封邮件确认你到的日期。 Please ____________________ your arrival date.;4. They are still working at the scene of the crime to find out whether the victim was killed somewhere else and then brought to Valley Town, or killed at the place where he was found. 1)They are still working at the scene of the crime to find out… , to find out 表示目的。 2)whether … or … found是find out后面宾语从句。 3)在这个宾语从句中又包含了一个定语从句, where he was found作后置定语用来修饰先行词the place.;6. We are particularly interested in hearing from anyone who saw anything unusual near Upper Street. 1) particularly adv. 尤其是,特别是 Eg. 我们班的一些男生对做化学实验特别感兴趣。 Some boy students in our class are ____________________________________. 我并不特别喜欢足球。 2) hear from 得到某人的消息;收到某人的来信 Eg. 我已很久没有他的消息了。 I haven’t heard from him for a long time. 3) who saw anything unusual near Upper Street是个 定语从句修饰先行词anyone。 ;5. Detective Lu said that the victim was attacked with a knife and bled to death as a result. 1) attack vt. 攻击,袭击 Eg. 敌人在夜里向我们进攻。 The enemy attacked us at night. attack somebody with something 用某物袭击某人 Eg. 凶手用刀攻击了受害者。 The murderer attacked the victim with a knife. attack


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