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201710月15日海信面试1自我介绍,英文,不计时,随便说。2每人用英文回答一个问题.我们分成三组,每组一个问题,有一分钟准备时间,小组内准备好了就可以举手说。每个小组轮流进行。三个问题是:为什么申请海信。你喜欢跟什么样的人一起工作。如果你有10000元,你会用来买iphone10吗?不计时。3无领导小组讨论。列举六个人工作特点及对公司的贡献,现在公司要裁员,总共有六个人,排序要裁员人的顺序,并陈述理由。1.Say sth about your hometown2.Say sth about your major3.Why do you apply for Hisense4.What do you know about Hisense5.What do you think about Marketing6.Say sth about your part time7.What do your friends think about you8.How do you deal with rejections?9.How do you define sucessful?10.What do you think about yourself?11.working environment you enjoy?12.How to deal with failure?13.What is your hobby?14.Say sth about your parents?15.Your project?16.你对挑战的看法?17.How do you disagreement?18.Which city do you want to pay a visit?19.How do you understanding “good friend”21.your greastest harvest in the school?22.you know how much our company?23.your future plan ?25.kind of people you like to work with?26.strength and weakness?27.期望的工作地点?怎样看待压力?你的偶像,为什么?用五个词形容一下你的性格?28.家乡爱好运动?描述一下很难相处的人。最喜欢的书 ,最有压力的事,景点?英文面试 大概有以下几种1、根据你的自我介绍问问题2、你最喜欢的一本书,你喜欢和什么样的人工作,为什么要来海信3、喜欢什么东西,为什么,五年之后的目标,为什么来海信,介绍家长,介绍长春4、喜欢的一本书85、喜欢的老师热乎乎的英语面经:1.一分钟自我介绍,但是hr不看表。2.三个话题:怎么提高自己,业余爱好,为什么加入海信。任选一个,一分钟准备,然后谁想好了就举手回答。 you like sport I like basketball and badminton, basic every week to play a sport can help me relax spirit better study and work2.my hometown My hometown is zibo ,a city in the central of shandong province, it’s the capital of Qi , the most famous is ceramic and building materials in Zibo, and Zhoucun bake cake, In history many celebrities are zibo people ,such as xuanling fang yu lujiao songling pu and so on 3. You know how much our company?why hisenseHisense is a large electronic information industry company, Its brand household, The main electrical appliances, communication products television refrigerator air conditioning, is matching my majorHisense headquarters is in shandong Qingdao its my hometown ,I hope develop in Shandong after graduate , so I wish hisense can give me this chance



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