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艺术班期中考试 英 语 试 题 说明: 本试卷分第一卷 (选择题 80分) 和第二卷 (非选择题 40分) 两部分. 满分120分, 第一卷( 选择题 共两部分,计80分) 第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题2分) 1. — I hear Jane fell off her bike and had her arm hurt. ? — ________, why not go to see her? ?? A. If so?????????????????? B. If it????????????????? C. If not??????????????? D. If ever 2. Sometimes she’d ask the driver to stop in front of a particular building and would sit ________ into the darkness, saying nothing. ? A. staring???????????????? B. glaring???????????? C. watching?????????? D. noticing 3. After going into the concert hall, the mother ________ a friend and went over to greet him. ? A. searched?????????????? B. knew??????????????? C. spotted????????????? D. realized 4. — Do you mind my taking the books away? ?? — ________. A. Certainly, please do.??????????? B. No, go ahead C. Yes, not at all????????????????????? D. No, please don’t 5. — His mother was ill and he had to look after her in hospital. ?? — That’s ________ he was absent from the meeting. ? A. because?????????? B. what????????? C. why?????????? D. which 6. After the hurricane was over, the citizens looked at ________ was left of their houses, feeling sad. ? A. what??????????????????? B. that?????????????????? C. which?????????????? D. all 7. — ________ that he managed to get the information. — Oh, a friend of his helped him.????????? A. Where was it?????? B. What was it??? C. How was it???? D. Why was it 8. — Do you know why the teacher asks for me? ?? — He wants you to ________ your absence last night. ? A. account for????????? B. call for???????? C. reach for??????? D. send for 9. — Will you go to his birthday party? ?? — No, I won’t ________ invited. ? A. if????????? B. as if?????????????C. what if??????????? D. even if?????? 10. — Did you plan to meet here? ?? — No, we met ________. ? A. by mistake????????B. by accident????? C. by the way????? D. with chance 11. — Mum, hurry up. We’ll be late. ?? — I will be through in a minute. Have a little ______


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