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一、词汇   title: message 消息,要旨,要点   take a message to sb. 给某人捎个口信   short message 短信   beginning n. 开始;起初   at the beginning of 在……的开始   I visited my uncle at the beginning of this year.   semester (美式英语) term(英式英语)            手写图示01-0101   final exam 期末考试   cover v. 处理   duty n. 任务   management n.管理   number one adj. 最重要的,头号的   seriously adv. 真心地,当真地,严肃地   For example: Are you serious? 你是认真的吗??   once conj. 一旦……(就……)   Once you get out of the gate, dont come back again.   一旦你走出这个门,就不要再回来。   weekly adj. 每周一次的   yearly adj. 每年一次的   每天一次的    手写图示01-0102   follow v. 遵照,沿用   following adj. 紧接着的   realistic 现实可行的   real 真正的      You are really lovely,really?   ?    手写图示01-0103   in reality 在现实中   essay n. 作文,短文   quiz n. 考查;测验   upset v. 打乱;打翻;adj. 伤心的?       手写图示01-0104   You upset my plan. 你打乱了我的计划。   ability n. 能力,才智   You have a lot of ability.   Or:You are a great person with great ability.   你是一个很有能力的人。   grade n. 分数   achieve v. 获得?   flexible adj. 灵活的;反义词:inflexible?   re-plan v. 重新计划   basis 名词    I succeed on the basis of hard working.   On the basis of hard working I have passed my exam.   be based on His success is based on his hard working.   project n. 课题;研究项目   mid-term adj. 期中的   solid adj. 扎实的   schedule n. 计划表        手写图示01-0105   alive adj. 活着的,起作用的   for example :My grandmother is still alive .   assignment n. 作业   activity n. 活动   social 社会的 social problems 社会问题   society 社会, 社团(名词)   seem 好像(系动词)         手写图示01-0106   He seems to be sun-burned.   It seems that he is sun-burned.   他好像晒黑了。   It seems that you dont enjoy your trip to Canada.   你好像并不喜欢这次加拿大之旅啊。   We seem to be enemy to each other.   我们两人好像敌人一般。   Back adj. 以前的;过去的?   二、课文分析        手写图示01-0201   Time is tricky. It is difficult to control and easy to waste. When you look ahead , you think you have more time than you need . For example, at the beginning of a semester, you may feel that you have plenty of time on your hands. But toward the end of the term you may suddenly find that time is run


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