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摘 要 自从法国工程师雷诺发明差速器,解决了汽车转弯行驶时的问题后,差速器便成为了现代汽车基本配置。随着人们对安全性和舒适性要求的提高,差速器的作用显的更为重要。由此产生了各种结构和功能的差速器。 本课题以桑塔纳轿车差速器为研究目标。首先通过比较各种差速器的优缺点,再根据桑塔纳的实际特点选择合适的差速器结构类型。本课题为桑塔纳选用的是对称式锥齿轮差速器。此类差速器技术成熟,制造安装简单,可适用于一般路况,符合桑塔纳轿车的产品定位和使用特点。接着,查阅资料获得桑塔纳轿车的相关参数,包括发动机最大转矩、变速箱传动比、主减速器传动比。利用这些数据计算得出差速器壳体和各齿轮所传递的转矩。再根据转距完成差速器主要部件——差速齿轮和半轴齿轮的尺寸计算,再对齿轮的强度进行校核,保证差速器工作的可靠性和安全性。 完成计算后,运用Unigraphics NX4.0软件的建模模块建立差速器各部件的实体模型。其中运用到了抽壳、阵列、扫描等命令。 接着使用UG的装配模块。首先了解UG的三种转配方式:自上而下、自下而上和混合装配以及它们各自的特点。因为差速器结构较为复杂,所以采用混合装配方式差速器总成的装配工作。然后生成爆炸视图方便查看差速器的结构和各个零件组成。 最后使用UG的运动分析模块分析设计结果。先是对UG运动分析模块中的运动副和驱动方式的定义进行了解。明白它们的使用方法,然后对车辆直线行驶状态和转弯行驶状态下差速器部件不同的工作原理进行定义,并在运动仿真中设置合适的时间和步长,最后开始模拟仿真。最后观察到结果和设计要求相吻合。这样既保证设计的正确性,同时也对差速器的结构和工作原理有了更直观、形象的了解。 关键词:差速器,UG,实体建模,装配,运动分析 The Design and Analysis On SANTANA Differential ABSTRACT Ever since the French engineer Renault invented the differential, solving the problems when vehicles turn corners, the differentials have become the basic equipments on modern vehicles. As people get more and more strict on safety and comfort, the function of the differential is more important. Thus all kinds of configurations and functions of differentials are invented. This topic bases on the differential on SANTANA. Compared the advantages and disadvantages of all kinds of differentials, choose the appropriate type according to the actual characteristic of the SANTANA. This topic chooses the bevel type differential for the SANTANA. This type of differential has mature technology, it’s easy to manufacture and install, it can match the needs of general road conditions, so it suits the use characteristic and product orientation of the SANTANA. Next, look up the references and get the relative parameters about the SANTANA which conclude the engine’s max torque, the ratio of the transmission box, the radio of the final drive. Use these data to work out the torque that transferred by the differential carrier and the gears. After that finish the calculation of the main parts of the dif


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