妇产科学-Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding.ppt

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妇产科学-Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding

Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital Fudan University KeQing Hua Definition Dysfunctional hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (H-P-O) axis Abnormal mechanisms of gonadal hormonal secretion Abnormal uterine bleeding No structural diseases of genital tract No other systemic disease Features of Normal Menstrual Flow Cycle、duration、blood volume: regularity /self–restriction Effects from inner and outer factors : abnormal adjusting function of H-P-O axis Type of Bleeding Abnormal menstrual cycle Abnormal menstrual duration or blood volume Intermenstrual bleeding Abnormal Menstrual Cycle polymenorrhea 21-24d oligomenorrhea 35-40d amenorrhea 6m/3c Abnormal Menstrual Duration or Blood Volume menorrhagia 80ml7d hypermenorrhea80ml hypomenorrhea metrorrhagia menometrorrhagia Intermenstrual Bleeding bleeding before or after menstrual incompetent atrophy of corepus luteum insufficient repair of endometrium irregular shedding of endometrium ovulation bleeding Type anovulation ovulation luteal insufficiency ovulation bleeding Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB) DUB- anovulation(70-80%) adolescence reproductive years perimenopause DUB-ovulation (20-30%) luteal phase defect,LPD irregular shedding of endometrium,ISE 无排卵功血比较 类型 时间 病因 卵泡 青春期 初潮后 生殖轴反馈调节 有生长 1~2年 机制未成熟(正) 无排卵 生育期 短期 应激干扰 长期 病理因素 围绝经期 绝经前 卵巢功能衰退 卵泡发育 1~2年 对中枢反应下降 夭折 Pathophysiology endometrial hyperplasia simple hyperplasia complex hyperplasia atypical hyperplasia proliferative phase endometrium atrophic endometrium simple hyperplasia complex hyperplasia atypical hyperplasia endometrial adenocarcinoma endometrial adenocarcinoma Features of Atypical Hyperplasia morphology:glandular epithelium tissue metrology: nucelus cellular double time and DNA synthesis interm


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