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英文名:Seven 别 名:七宗罪 导演:大卫·芬奇 David Fincher 主演: 布拉德·皮特 Brad Pitt ….. David Mills 摩根·弗里曼 Morgan Freeman ….. Lt.William Somerset 格温妮斯·帕特洛 Gwyneth Paltrow …..Tracy Mills 凯文·史派西 Kevin Spacey …..John Doe Doe Somerset Mills Tracy 经验丰富的老探员萨默塞特再过七天就要退休了,年轻的警察米尔斯是他最后一个搭档。凶案发生了,罪犯在现场分别留下了“贪婪”、“暴食”等字样,这正是《圣经》中所讲的“七宗罪”。 Veteran detective Somerset seven days before retiring, the young policeman Mills is his last partner. The murder occurred, the criminals left greedy, gluttony and other words, this is in the bible, speak the seven. All crimes are from a man named Does hand…… 一切罪行都出自一个名叫多伊的男子之手…… 中文名: 守法公民 外文名: Law Abiding Citizen 导演: F·加里·格雷 F. Gary Gray 主演: 杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler ….. Clyde Shelton 杰米·福克斯 Jamie Foxx ….. Nick Rice Clyde Darbys Nick Everything from a lost control of the burglary. When after the incident, the only survivors filled with anger, he wont stop his revenge…… 一切都源于一场失去了控制的入室抢劫.当劫难过后,唯一的幸存者怀揣着满腔的愤怒,他是不会停止自己的复仇的….. 中文名: 危情3日 外文名: The Next Three Days 导演: 保罗·哈吉斯 主演: 罗素·克劳 Russell Crowe ....John Brennan 伊丽莎白·班克斯 Elizabeth Banks ....Laura 奥利维亚·王尔德 Olivia Wilde ....Nicole 乔纳森·塔克 Jonathan Tucker ....David 男主人公约翰的妻子劳拉因为谋杀罪名所逮捕,在被逮捕时,她对丈夫坚称自己是清白的。约翰深信妻子的无辜。然而随着最后一次上诉的驳回,狱中的妻子绝望地选择了自杀。为了拯救心爱的女人,约翰于是决定铤而走险、孤注一掷,精心策划一起越 狱。 The hero Johns wife Laura was arrested for murder , she tells her husband that he is innocent. John convinced that his wife is innocent,. However, with the last of the appeal be rejected, his wife choose to suicide. In order to save beloved woman, John then planned a prison break.


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