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透地雷达工作原理 用贴地天线检测路面,机场,桥面,隧道和市政管线等 贴地天线施工方法 The Hyperbola shape 压实后的沙石底基层现场 标识层面位置的金属压条 在底基层上面铺设基层 标识层面位置的金属压条 用4108 1 GHz天线测量得到的雷达记录 2.2 GHz天线和1 GHz天线分层比较 2.2 GHz天线测出磨耗层厚度3.1cm,取芯实测磨耗层显示3.1~3.2cm,沥青层厚7.7-8.2 cm 1GHz天线和2.2GHz天线的实测记录比较 1GHz天线和2.2GHz天线在沥青厚度15-20 cm的一段路面上的测量 2.2GHz天线和1GHz天线的测量记录比较深部路基反射层达到的深度为75cm 原始数据 数据处理-偏移归位 总结 A 2.2 GHz 天线的用途 : 细致划分多层沥青层 检测面层中的隐患分布 测量面层各层厚度 B 1 GHz 天线比2.2GHz有更大的穿透深度,适合测量基层和底基层 C 人机联作自动分层软件适用于对高速测量中获得的海量数据剖面作分析和解释 1 GHz horn can’t resolve strong reflection from binder. It causes the reflection from the pavement bottom to be smeared. Greater resolution allows observation of defects in pavement * Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc 电源 图形显示 主机 目标 入射线 反射线 地面 天线 测距系统 Antenna Theory of Operation Reflections are produced when the energy pulse encounters a material with different dielectric constant Dielectric Constant: Air = 1 Asphalt = 3-5 Concrete = 6-8 DirectCoupling Reflection 2 GHz 架空天线检测桥面图 Data collected in parallel lines at 2 foot spacing 24 scans/foot Top-side pictures The two way travel time of the reflections from the object produces the hyperbola shape antenna Reflection from direct coupling to asphalt Reflection from transition from asphalt to concrete Reflection from rebar Unprocessed Bridge Data(1.5 GHz Ground Coupled Antenna) Bridge Joint Reflection from bottom of bridge Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. 底基层 下基层 基层 Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. 面层底 1 GHz Data 2.2 GHz Data 磨耗层 Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. 磨耗层厚度3.1-3.2 cm Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. 1 GHz 天线 2.2 GHz 天线 Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. 1 GHz 天线 2.2 GHz 天线 在面层结构中的隐患 Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. 2.2 GHz Data 1 GHz Data 路基反射 高频天线的分辨率总是高于低频天线的分辨率 Geophysical Survey Systems, Inc. An antenna calibration file is collected using a metal plate as a perfect reflector Height variations are recorded along with corresp