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资料的选择: 1、听力原题 2、TOEFL的听力 3、《走遍美国》、《探索》、《国家地理》 听力结构: Section A:10个短对话 Section B:3个段子;复合式听写(很少考) 类型题: 比如:Would you go to dance with me tonight?去不去干…… 回答Yes/No.以及理由。 Would you go with us? Would you join us? Would you go with me? Do you wanna come? Wanna come? 应试听力提高的三个层次: 1、听懂原文 2、搞清考题之间的类型关系 3、判断出是什么考题 听力遇到的问题: 一、语音问题: 连读:跟读提高口语,考试时不太重要,注意听重读。 二、态度方向: 测试:Im upset. × Im overjoyed. √ Im beside myself with joy. √ Im in the blues. × I feel high today. √ I feel down recently. × 三、口语话问题: 语气(升降调、重读) 例句:Something just hit the front window. What?(什么东西呀?你说什么(没听清)?惊奇,生气。) 例句:He was my boyfriend. 考校园生活: 学生:异性(同学关系)、同性(室友关系) 口语词汇 tape 胶带(邮局场景) cassette 磁带 project 作业 =assignment awful 糟糕的 terrific 特棒的 awesome 特棒的 I see. 我明白。 I can tell that. 我能看得出。 I understand that. 我听说。 I have got ... 我有…… have to = have got to (gotta) be going to = be gonna want to = wanna tell him Ill take this book. 表示买 I wont buy that. 我不信。buy=believe 四、场景问题: 1、如何出考题 2、如何判断场景(场景线索词) 例如:book(校内:Libary;校外:bookstore) textbook, dictionary, magzine, reference book, bibliography manager, order--bookstore 解题思路: 比如:traffic: traffic jam car: break downbut前的话没用,but是关键,but后面的句子是正确选项。 例题: A) He has some work to do. B) The woman is going to do that. C) His boss is coming to see him. D) He doesnt feel like eating any bread today. W: I wonder if you have time to go to the food store today. We have almost run out of bread. M: You d better do that. I havent got my report ready yet, but my boss needs it tomorrow. Q: Why isnt the man going to do the shopping? 注:1. 第二人的回答都是充满了遗憾。 2. run out of 用完,没有 boor 土人,粗野的人(GRE词汇) 生活中常用的动词非常简单: take make go win let have 口语中常用短语: 1. mess 脏乱 His dormitory is in a big mess. 2. meet = come across = run into = bang into 遇见。 happen to meet 恰巧碰到 3. 与动词搭配使用最多的是out,因为out代表一种极端的状态,很彻底。 run out of 用完了 check out 借书;办理出院手续;彻底检查;退房(check in 开房);结帐离开 wear out 穿破 be worn out (物)破旧;(人)疲惫 make out 辨认出 figure out 想清楚,弄明白 She has a figure that kills. 身材很棒。 She has a face that kills. 长得非常漂亮 work out 想清楚,弄明白,解决问


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