
[工学]王信阳 毕业设计计算书参考.doc

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[工学]王信阳 毕业设计计算书参考

本科毕业设计 题目名称: 吉林市福龙桥设计 学 院: 交通建筑工程 专业年级: 土木工程 学生姓名: 王信阳 班级学号: 二班01号 指导教师: 王凯英 二○一二年 月 二十 日 摘要 本次毕业设计的题目是吉林市福龙中桥施工图设计,专题题目是主跨40m的连续箱梁桥设计。依据《公路桥涵通用设计规范 JTG D60—2004》和《公路钢筋混凝土及预应力混凝土桥涵设计规范JTG D62—2004》和《公路桥涵施工技术规范》 (JTJ041-2000),通过综合运用所学过的基础理论及专业知识,独立进行桥梁设计。 首先,根据地形图提出三种桥型比较方案。然后从外观、施工难易程度和造价等多方面考虑,最终选出最优方案。 其次,就是进行比选的最优方案,即跨径为40m预应力混凝土连续梁桥的设计。在结构设计中,梁截面采用变化的单箱双室截面,截面高度在全桥范围内均为两米,为等截面连续梁桥。主梁采用先简支后连续的施工方法。 最后,利用桥梁博士建模,输入材料特性、截面形状等结构信息,然后用桥梁博士报告模板输出每个截面的所需的钢筋面积,以此来布置预应力钢束。可以根据桥梁博士输出的施工内力、活载内力、长(短)期效应组合验算、钢束验算等报告整理计算书,并绘制方案图及相关施工图。 关键词: 连续梁桥; 等截面; 先简支后连续; 桥梁博士 Abstract The application of fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) or steel reinforced polymer (SRP) materials to the tension side of a reinforced/prestressed concrete member has been accepted as a strengthening technique to increase the load carrying capacity and in some cases can enhance member serviceability. Proper installation and regular inspection of a composite (FRP or SRP) strengthening system is important since quality of the bond is essential to internally transfer forces. This paper describes an experimental programme conducted to study the behaviour of six prestressed concrete bridge girders, which were tested under static and fatigue loading conditions. The test results were combined with the results of 16 other girders tested by the authors to develop structural design guidelines and guidelines on the installation and inspection of composite strengthening systems. The behaviour was also examined using value engineering to evaluate the cost-effectiveness by investigating the overall system performance. Research findings indicate that SRP materials are more structurally efficient than carbon FRP (CFRP) materials. The results of an inspection demonstration programme, including the pull-off testing of over 150 CFRP samples, has shown that the most effective inspection techniques are


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