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二语动机自我系统的理论框架 理想二语自我(ideal L2 self) 二语学习经验(L2 learning experience) 应该二语自我(ought to L2 self) 可能自我 (possible selves) 希望自我 恐惧自我 预期自我 现实自我 理想自我 应该自我 未来自我导向 工具型动机 instrumental motivation 学习动机 或取向 融合型动机 Integrative motivation Competence语言能力: It refers to the knowledge which underlies our ability to use language. Performance语言运用: It refers to the way a person actually uses language in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Performance is subject to variations due to inattention or fatigue whereas competence (at least for the mature native speaker) is more stable. SLA (second language acquisition) researchers from the UG perspective are more interested in the language competence (i.e., knowledge of complex syntax) of advanced learners rather than in the simple language of early stage learners. Their investigations often involve comparing the judgments of grammaticality(合乎语法性) made by L2 and L1 learners, rather than observations of actual language performance (i.e., use of language). 1 世界语言具有普遍性,普遍语法可以看作是某种人类共有的、先于经验而存在于个人头脑之中的原则系统。 2 语言是人的天赋,儿童天生就具有一种学习语言的能力,即内置有语言习得机(LAD)。 3 语言学研究的目的是揭示语言、思维和认知的本质。 The acquisition-learning hypothesis The monitor hypothesis The natural order hypothesis The input hypothesis The affective filter hypothesis Cognitive psychologists working in this model see L2 acquisition as the building up of knowledge systems that enables the learner to use the language automatically. They do not assume that there is a difference between acquisition and learning. Two important models: attention-processing (noticing) model and restructuring Model 适应性原则 不可分原则 协同性原则 协同论模式 连接论模式 交互论模式 二语习得的模式 Atkinson(2002) Vygotsky Atkinson 社会认知学派的不同观点 Batstone 合成观 整体观 社会文化观 SLA takes place through conversational interaction (Hatch, Pica, and Long). Long sees modified interaction as the necessary mechanism for the L2 acquisition. What learners need is not necessarily simplification of the linguistic forms but rather an opportunity to interact with o


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